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Public Finance: Definition, Features & Objectives

Public Finance: Definition, Features & Objectives

Public Finance is an aspect of economics that state how a government gets and spends the revenue it collects. In a more technical sense, it can be defined as that branch of economics that studies the relationship between the revenue and expenditure patterns of the government.
The European Economic Community (EEC)

The European Economic Community (EEC)

The European Economic Community (ECC) now referred to as the Enropean Union (EU) was established in 1958 under the Treaty of Rome of I957. It has a membership of twelve countries at present. The number is likely to grow as the years roll by.
Solid Minerals: Definition, Problems & Contribution in Nigeria

Solid Minerals: Definition, Problems & Contribution in Nigeria

Solid minerals are naturally occuring substances derived from the earth which are of great value to man. They include metalic ores, fuel minerals (such as coal. uranium, signet, tar sands), industrial minerals and rocks (such as limestones, marble, etc.) and gemstones/ornamental stones.
Difference Between Capitalism and Socialism

Difference Between Capitalism and Socialism

Capitalism may be defined as an economic system in which all or most means of production are owned and controlled by private individuals and in which the economic activity of the government is at a minimum while Socialism is an economic system where the state takes the major economic decisions through detailed planning. Countries that adopt this system do not believe in the efficacy of market forces.
Basic Problems of Economics

Basic Problems of Economics

Basic Problems of Economics | Scarcity and choice are the cardinal problems faced by economists and the society at large. The study of economics is necessitated by scarcity and the problem created by scarcity has led to choice.
E-Government – Definition, Problems & Benefits of Electronic Government

E-Government – Definition, Problems & Benefits of Electronic Government

E-government is the use of the internet and the world wide web for delivering government information. The focus of e-government should be on the use of information and communication technologies for better government.
How to Prevent Electoral Malpractices

How to Prevent Electoral Malpractices

Electoral Malpractices is the manifestation of all forms of electoral misconducts, capable of derailing the electoral process. Therefore, Election malpractice and rigging could be reduced if the following steps were taken. 
Census Crisis of 1962/63 (Causes & Consequences in Nigeria)

Census Crisis of 1962/63 (Causes & Consequences in Nigeria)

A lot has been written in previous chapters on the 1962 - 1963 Census Crisis in Nigeria and this article only puts the whole problem in perspective. The census crisis was the first major political conflict to be confronted by the post-colonial Nigerian state.
Action Group Crisis of 1962 (Causes & Consequences in Nigeria)

Action Group Crisis of 1962 (Causes & Consequences in Nigeria)

The Action Group (AG) crisis of 1962 was an intra-party disagreement which ordinarily should have been of little interest to students of Nigerian government and politics conflicts within political parties are normal and sometimes necessary.
Federal Character Principle in Nigeria

Federal Character Principle in Nigeria

Federal character is a principle of representativeness in which the muiuncnt, promotion and distribution of state resources are aimed at establishing a fair balance of ethnic and regional representation in all federal government agencies and parastatals.
Problem of Population Census in Nigeria

Problem of Population Census in Nigeria

Population Census has always been a controversial issue in Nigeria especially since political independence in 1960. In particular, the population counts have pitched the north against the south and it appears the problem is still far from being solved.
Basic Principles of Government

Basic Principles of Government – Meaning & Definition

Principles of government are basic truths or laws, which guide the study and practice of politics and government. They are developed by political theorists and writers based on their experience or observation of the political process but these principles have come, to be accepted over the years by scholars and practitioners alike as indispensable and essential to understanding political phenomena.
Fundamental Human Rights: Definition & Types

Fundamental Human Rights: Definition & Types

A fundamental human right is a privilege or prerogative conferred by law upon a person. It is expressed in the constitution or law of the state. Fundamental human rights remain rights as long as the state has power to protect them. Talking about fundamental rights in a war-tom country like Somalia, for example, is obviously an exercise in futility.
Separation of Powers: History, Meaning & Definition

Separation of Powers: History, Meaning & Definition

Montesquieu defines separation of powers as a system of government by which the legislature, executive, and judiciary are each separate in terms of functions and personnel. He warned that under no circumstance should any two or more functions be performed by one person or body of persons since such a practice will eliminate the liberty of the citizens and thereby encourage tyranny.
Difference Between Poverty and Inequality

Difference Between Poverty and Inequality

Poverty is the state in which an individual or group can not meet basic human needs to maintain a minimum level of quality of life, while Inequality on the other hand, refers to the unfair or unequal distribution of resources among various people or groups, caused by social, gender, ethnic, religious or other discrimination.
Difference Between Direct and Indirect Democracy

Difference Between Direct and Indirect Democracy

DIRECT AND INDIRECT DEMOCRACY What are Direct and Indirect Democracy? Democracy is a type of government system in which the decision-making power rests with the people, as the...
Difference Between Nation and State

Difference Between Nation and State

We often use the terms state and nation (and even nation and country) interchangeably, as if they were synonymous. Although they can be in colloquial contexts, each one has a specific meaning that should be understood.
Trade Disputes

Kleptocracy: Definition, Features, Types, Pros & Cons

Kleptocracy is a form of government which is characterized by the systematic and institutionalized theft of public funds and goods by its elites. In a kleptocracy government, rulers and like-minded elites engage in robbery in a normalized way. To such an extent that there is an institutionalization of corruption. In democracies, theoretically, the income and money obtained after government tax collection is reinvested in the form of public services.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Capitalism

Advantages and Disadvantages of Capitalism

Capitalism is an economic system that is based on private ownership of the means of production, as well as on the principle of free market, whose objective is the accumulation of capital. The word is formed from the union between the noun capital, which in this context means 'set of economic goods', and the Greek suffix ism, which means system.
Types of Proletariat

Types of Proletariat

The proletariat is distinguished from other classes such as the bourgeoisie in that it does not possess greater assets than its capacity for work, and therefore constitutes the basis of capitalist society of, as defined by Karl Marx, the "exploitation of man by man". The bourgeoisie, on the other hand, is the owner of the means of production and requires labor to generate consumer goods.