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Government & Politics

Aristocracy | Definition, Features, Merits & Demerits

Aristocracy is a form of government in which the rich rule largely in their own interest. An aristocratic state is one in which the nobility rules. As a form of oligarchy, The aristocratic ruling class is usually small and reported for the exploitation of the poor and the landless peasantry for the support of state works of various kinds.

Autocracy | Definition, Features, Merits & Demerits

An autocracy is a government under the control of one person who usually achieved his position by force. It is a government of an absolute ruler. The autocratic state is a form of despotic or tyrannical rule. The autocratic state is also sometimes called the authoritarian state. it represents an attempt by the ruling classes to perpetuate their domination.

Features of Communalism System of Government

Communalism is a social, political and economic arrangement in which landed property and other natural resources are collectively owned, managed and co-operatively harnessed by the community for the common good of everybody.

Features of a Socialist State | Socialist Economy

Socialist State: Socialism is a political and economic system whose main foundation is equality. The system's objective is the transformation of society through the distribution of income and property to reduce social inequality.

Feudal System: Definition, Features, Causes & Structure

Feudal System - a political, economic and social system, which prevailed in Western and Central Europe during much of the Middle Ages, and in Eastern Europe during the Modern Age.

Primitive Communism: Definition, Features, Pros & Cons

The primitive mode of production or primitive communism is one of the ways in which the way of organizing the production of goods and services in an economy can be presented. This theory was developed by Karl Marx, who classified history in different modes of production in chronological order.

History of Socialism | Meaning, Origin, Historic Context

Socialism is a philosophical current of economic, social and political thought, as well as a diverse set of political theories, movements and socio-economic systems that have been inspired by such thought. All of them have in common the defense of the public, collective or cooperative property of the means of production of the society, instead of their property in private hands. In addition, it proposes the planning and organization of social and economic life from the forces that make up the State.

Parliamentary Monarchy: Definition, Features & Examples

Parliamentary monarchy is a form of government in which the power of a region or country is partially exercised by a monarch (King or Queen), since it is regulated by the legislative (Parliament) and executive power.

Problems of the Application of the Rule of Law

Problems of the Rule of Law The rule of law is defined as the supremacy of law over everybody in a political system. Rule of law is seen as a provision made by the constitution with emphasis on supremacy of the law, equality before the law and the presence or...

Limitations to the Application of Rule of Law

Limitations to the Application of Rule of Law The rule of law is defined as the supremacy of law over everybody in a political system. Rule of law is seen as a provision made by the constitution with emphasis on supremacy of the law, equality before the law and the...

Political Liberty: Meaning, Definition & Examples

Political Liberty is the right of an individual to share in the government of his country. The state recognises political right, especially as most of these rights are entrenched in the constitution.

Liberty: Definition & Meaning (Civil Liberty)

Liberty is the ability or willingness to do something and the power of doing what has been conceived without interference or influence from any other source. However, liberty, as defined above, could be an impossibility for all citizens at the same time.

Bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers: Causes, Impact & Reasons

The bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers was one of the most striking of the global financial crisis that began in 2008. In fact, the collapse of this bank is considered, by many analysts, as the starting point of the crisis. However, other banks had already fallen during 2007, although it is true that their size was smaller. One of the most important characteristics of this bankruptcy was that, contrary to what was done in other cases, such as Northern Rock in the United Kingdom, or Bear Stearns in the United States of America, the governments did not allocate public money to rescue the entity from the collapse.

Checks and Balances: Parliamentary Government

The principle of checks and balances is not well developed under the cabinet system of government largely because the three branches of government perform overlapping functions, and are so interconnected that it is diflicult to separate one from the other. As said before, the Lord Chancellor in Britain straddles the three arms of government. As such, the three arms of government are more or less one, and cannot, in reality, exercise effective control over one another.

Checks and Balances – Definition, Merits & Demerits

The principle of checks and balances means that each organ of government should exercise control over the other. The objective is to ensure that no organ of government dominates another.

Difference Between Responsible and Representative Government

The difference between representative government and responsible governments depends on the nature of the legislature and the relationship between it and the executive. If the legislature is elected by the people, the system of government is representative and this is the ordinary system in all democracies, except in one-party states. In one party states where there is only one officially-recognized political party, there is no real choice between candidates and programmes.

Public Service Commissions In Nigeria | Roles & Development

Nigeria – Public Commissions | Nigeria has been operating the presidential system of government since the beginning of the Second Republic in 1979. The 1979 Constitution and the succeeding constitutions of 1989 and 1999 have all provided for a presidential executive in which the President is the locus of federal authority.

Difference Between Unitary and Federal System of Government

Unitary system of government may be described as a government organized under a single central government. A Federal system of government is one in which sovereignty is not confined exclusively to either the central government or the component units, but rather, is divided between them.

Unitary System of Government | Definition | Features | Pros & Cons

Unitary System of Government | The word ‘unitary’ is an adjective derived from the term ‘unit’, which means one. A unitary government is therefore a form of government with one legally recognized government. There is a single central government, which derives its powers from a unitary constitution.

Federal Character Principle | Definition | Politics | Federalism

Federal character is nothing but an official term for ethnic, religious and regional balance in resource allocation, ministerial and other key appointments in government and enrolment of students in schools.
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