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Constitution | Definition, Types, Functions & Principles
Constitution - Definition, Principles, Sources, Types and Scope of Constitution
Definition of Constitution
A constitution may be defined as a set of rules, which establishes the...
Written Constitution | Definition, Examples, Merits & Demerits
What is Written Constitution - Advantages, Disadvantages
A constitution is said to be written when the most important constitutional laws are enacted or are formally...
Rigid and Flexible Constitution | Definition, Pros & Cons
Definition of Rigid and Flexible Constitution - Difference, Advantages & Disadvantages
The distinction between rigid and flexible constitutions is based purely on the amendment procedure...
Unwritten Constitution | Definition, Examples, Pros & Cons
Unwritten Constitution - Definition, Examples, Advantages and Disadvantages
To say that a constitution is unwritten does not meant the constitution is not writing as the...
Restricted Suffrage | Definition, Pros & Cons
Restricted Suffrage or Limited Franchise means that the right to vote is restricted only to male adults or people who possess certain special qualifications. During the apartheid era in South Africa, for example, the right to vote was granted only to the White (Afrikaner). The black people who constituted the majority of the population were disenfranchised.
Proportional Representation | Definition, Features, Pros & Cons
Proportional Representation | Definition, Features, Types, Advantages & Disadvantages
Definition of Proportional Representation
The proportional representation is an electoral system which emphasizes a direct relationship between...
Communism – Definition, Historical, Ideology & Features
Communism simply refers to a classless society. According to Karl Marx, it is the highest stage of development of a society. In a communist society, there is a common sharing of material goods.
Nationalist Movement And The Decolonization Of Africa
Nationalist Movement And The Decolonization In Africa | Nationalism is could mean a certain form of unity which grows out of historical experience. It is the sense of oneness that emerges from social groups, trying to control their interest against competing groups. It can also mean a strong emotional awareness of belonging to a nation-state held in bondage by foreign dominations which leads to the struggle against such foreign rule and domination.
Major Factors Affecting Political Culture
Political Culture - 5 Important Factors That Affect Political Culture
Meaning of Political Culture
Political culture is that aspect of the culture of a people, which...
Political Culture – Definition, Types & Examples
Political culture is that aspect of the culture of a people, which deals with politics. It refers to the set of attitudes and beliefs that relate to the political system and political issues and objects.
In other words, political culture refers to those things, which the people carry in their heads in relation to political objects and events.
Anthropocentrism: Definition, Origin, Pros & Cons
Anthropocentrism is a philosophical doctrine that conceives the human being and his interests as the center of the entire universe. Under his conception, the rest of living beings are subject to the interests, needs and well-being of human beings.
Features of Totalitarian System of Government
Features of Totalitarian System of Government
Totalitarian is defined as a form of government in which the state has absolute control of everything, including all aspects...
Public Debt | Definition, Features, Types & Effects
The public debt is the total amounts of debts by the State or a Country to another Country or Organizations which have accumulated with the passage of different governments and which have been requested in order to obtain greater financial resources.
Francoism: Definition, History, Features, Stages & Consequences
Francoism - Francoist Spain
Francoism - Authoritarian political regime that took place in Spain towards the middle of the 20th century.
What was the Franco Regime?
Deregulation: Definition, Effects, Merits & Demerits
Deregulation is the process of removing state regulations. It is therefore opposite of regulation which refers to the process of the government regulating certain activities. It is also seen as the reduction or elemination of government power in a particular industry, usually eceated to creat more competition with the industry.
Mongol Empire: Meaning, History, Emperor & Decline
The Mongol Empire was an imperial state of Central Asia, founded in 1206 by Genghis Khan, who managed to impose his authority over all Mongolian tribes.
It is the second largest empire in history, after the British Empire, as it covered some 24,000,000 km². It included the present territories of Mongolia, China, Korea, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan Kazakhstan, and parts of Turkey and Russia. It stretched from the Danube River in Europe to the Korean (South & North) Peninsula in Asia.
Argentine Confederation (1831 – 1861) | Argentina History
The Argentine Confederation was a union of Argentine provinces based on adherence to the Federal Pact. This alliance was in force from 1831 to 1861.
The Confederacy was a weak union, in which there were no national laws or authorities, and in which each province maintained its sovereignty and governed itself.
Types of Capitalism | Examples of a Capitalist Economy
Types of Capitalism
Economic system that defends the freedom of the market.
Definition of Capitalism
Capitalism is an economic system that defends the freedom of the market and...
Features of Confederal System of Government
A con-federal state or confederal system of government could be regarded as a loosed federation where ultimate power resides in state forming the alliances. It could also be regarded as a political arrangement in which autonomous reserved exclusively for the component states with a weak centre.
Decentralisation | Definition, Types, Pros & Cons
Decentralisation (Decentralization) is a system of administration in which responsibility and authority are given to subordinate bodies with definite powers within defined geographical areas. Decentralization therefore refers to an administrative process by which the central authorities vest power and authority on regional or local units or subordinate bodies to perform certain functions, which promote the welfare of the people.