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Difference Between Direct and Indirect Democracy

Difference Between Direct and Indirect Democracy

DIRECT AND INDIRECT DEMOCRACY What are Direct and Indirect Democracy? Democracy is a type of government system in which the decision-making power rests with the people, as the...
Definition of Deliberative Democracy

Deliberative Democracy: Meaning & Definition

Deliberative Democracy | The democratic system began its journey 2,500 years ago in the polis of Athens. Athenian citizens met in assemblies to propose laws collectively and with this mechanism the polis was governed by the will of the people. The Athenian experience was an exception and, in fact, it was not until the French Revolution in 1789 that democracy began a new course.
Differences Between Autocracy, Oligocracy and Democracy

Differences Between Autocracy, Oligocracy and Democracy

Even so, within this huge political conglomerate, all of them are born from the most basic differentiation into three political systems: autocracy, oligocracy or oligarchy, and democracy. Since the time of Aristotle, these are the three main forms of government. 
Difference Between Democracy and Oligarchy

Difference Between Democracy and Oligarchy

Differences Between Democracy and Oligarchy Over time, civilizations were responsible for creating different forms of government. In the contemporary world, especially with regard to the...

Zero Party System | Non-Partisan Democracy | Definition | Pros & Cons

Zero party system (Also known as: Non-partisan Democracy) has to do with a standard where political leaders are elected by the people on indvidual basis. There is no political party. Candidates are mostly independent and are elected according to their merits. 

Alliance for Democracy (AD)

The Alliance for Democracy was established in 1998 by former close associates of Chief Obafemi Awolowo, the late leader of the Action Group and Unity Party of Nigeria. In particular, the party was formed to promote the cause of the Yoruba people in the Nigerian federation following the annulment of the June 12, 1993 presidential election widely believed to have been won by Chief M. K. O. Abiola, a Yoruba multi-millionaire businessman.

Representative Democracy | Definition, Features & Historical

The most widely-known definition of Representative Democracy is the one articulated by the former American President, Abraham Lincoln. He described democracy as government by the people, of the people, and for the people.
Democracy – Definition, Types, Pros & Cons

Democracy: Definition, Features, Types, Pros & Cons

Democracy means different things to different people. A former American president, Abraham Lincoln from 1861 to 1865 give democracy its arguably most popular meaning when he defined it as "government of the people, by the people, and for the people".
Advantages and Disadvantages of Democracy

Advantages and Disadvantages of Democracy

Democracy signifies a government set up by the whole people, run and directed by the whole people for the benefit of the whole people. Democracy has succeeded and failed woefully in many countries and it is perhaps the most practice form of government today. Yet, it has been successful and failed largely because of the reasons...
Direct Democracy

Direct Democracy: Definition, Features, Pros & Cons

Direct Democracy Direct Democracy - Form of government in which each individual is part of decision-making. Definition of Direct Democracy The democracy directly or pure democracy is a...
Traditional Financial Institutions: Definition, Functions, Pros & Cons

Traditional Financial Institutions: Definition, Functions, Pros & Cons

What is Financial Institutions? Financial institutions are business organizations which deal in money, though some may deal in other financial assets such as shaves, letters...
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

OPEC was established in Baghdad, Iraq in September 1960. Like many other international organizations, OPEC was formed by a few founding members, namely, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezeula. In the 1960s, five more countries became members: Qatar (1961), Indonesia (1962), Libya (1962), Abu Dhabi (1967) and Algeria (1969). In 1974, the United Arab Emirates of which Abu Dhabi was the dominant member took Abu Dhabi’s place.
Difference Between Capitalism and Socialism

Difference Between Capitalism and Socialism

Capitalism may be defined as an economic system in which all or most means of production are owned and controlled by private individuals and in which the economic activity of the government is at a minimum while Socialism is an economic system where the state takes the major economic decisions through detailed planning. Countries that adopt this system do not believe in the efficacy of market forces.
Electoral College | Definition, Features, Merits & Demerits

Electoral College | Definition, Features, Merits & Demerits

Electoral College | Features, Advantages and Disadvantages What is an Electoral College? An electoral college is a set of electors who are selected to elect a...
How to Prevent Electoral Malpractices

How to Prevent Electoral Malpractices

Electoral Malpractices is the manifestation of all forms of electoral misconducts, capable of derailing the electoral process. Therefore, Election malpractice and rigging could be reduced if the following steps were taken. 
Basic Principles of Government

Basic Principles of Government – Meaning & Definition

Principles of government are basic truths or laws, which guide the study and practice of politics and government. They are developed by political theorists and writers based on their experience or observation of the political process but these principles have come, to be accepted over the years by scholars and practitioners alike as indispensable and essential to understanding political phenomena.
Trade Disputes

Kleptocracy: Definition, Features, Types, Pros & Cons

Kleptocracy is a form of government which is characterized by the systematic and institutionalized theft of public funds and goods by its elites. In a kleptocracy government, rulers and like-minded elites engage in robbery in a normalized way. To such an extent that there is an institutionalization of corruption. In democracies, theoretically, the income and money obtained after government tax collection is reinvested in the form of public services.
Capitalism – Definition, History, Features & Examples

Capitalism – Definition, History, Features & Examples

Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production and distribution are mainly owned and controlled by private individuals and firms. The primary aim of any economic activity in a capitalist state is to make profit.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Capitalism

Advantages and Disadvantages of Capitalism

Capitalism is an economic system that is based on private ownership of the means of production, as well as on the principle of free market, whose objective is the accumulation of capital. The word is formed from the union between the noun capital, which in this context means 'set of economic goods', and the Greek suffix ism, which means system.
Argentine military dictatorship

Argentine Military Dictatorship (1976 – 1983) History, Causes & Effects

The Argentine military dictatorship, also called the National Reorganization Process, was a civic-military dictatorship that occurred in Argentina between 1976 and 1983. This happened after the military coup that overthrew the government of María Estela Martínez de Perón, immediately installing a military junta that had Jorge Videla as de-facto president.