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PayPal Login 2022: Here Is What to Do If You Cannot Log In

PayPal Login 2024: Here Is What to Do If You Cannot Log In

PayPal login: You might have been wondering what the “PayPal login” is and if you need one. There are a few reasons why you...

Trade Union: Definition, Functions, Purpose & Problems

A trade union is an organization of paid workers employed for the purpose of improving the salarles and conditions of service/work.
Gas Producing and Exporting Countries (GPEC) – Aims & Objectives

Gas Producing and Exporting Countries (GPEC) – Aims & Objectives

Gas Producing and Exporting Countries (GPEC) was founded by 14 countries Algeria, Brunei, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Lybia, Qatar, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela, Indonesia, Malaysia, Oman, Russia and Nigeria.
International Monetary Fund (IMF) – Benefits, Aims & Objectives

International Monetary Fund (IMF) – Benefits, Aims & Objectives

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was established in 1944. Its financial resources stem mainly from quota subscriptions which are assigned to each member according to its relative size in the world economy. A member’s quota also determines its voting power as well as its access to IMF financing.
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

OPEC was established in Baghdad, Iraq in September 1960. Like many other international organizations, OPEC was formed by a few founding members, namely, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezeula. In the 1960s, five more countries became members: Qatar (1961), Indonesia (1962), Libya (1962), Abu Dhabi (1967) and Algeria (1969). In 1974, the United Arab Emirates of which Abu Dhabi was the dominant member took Abu Dhabi’s place.
Factors Affecting Nigeria Foreign Policy

Factors Affecting Nigeria Foreign Policy

The Nigerian foreign policy is profoundly affected or influenced by the perceptions, attitudes and value preferences of the various participants in the decision-making process. In other words, a nation’s international behaviour is, to a great extent, determined by the interests of those making and implementing foreign policies.
Globalization: Definition, Features, Merits & Demerits

Globalization: Definition, Features, Merits & Demerits

Globalization is a phenomenon based on the continuous increase in the interconnection between the different nations of the world on the economic, political, social and technological levels. The use of this term has been used since the 80s. That is, since technological advances have facilitated and accelerated international commercial and financial transactions. And for this reason, the phenomenon has as many defenders - such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) or the World Bank - as detractors.
Difference Between Direct and Indirect Democracy

Difference Between Direct and Indirect Democracy

DIRECT AND INDIRECT DEMOCRACY What are Direct and Indirect Democracy? Democracy is a type of government system in which the decision-making power rests with the people, as the...
Trade Disputes

Kleptocracy: Definition, Features, Types, Pros & Cons

Kleptocracy is a form of government which is characterized by the systematic and institutionalized theft of public funds and goods by its elites. In a kleptocracy government, rulers and like-minded elites engage in robbery in a normalized way. To such an extent that there is an institutionalization of corruption. In democracies, theoretically, the income and money obtained after government tax collection is reinvested in the form of public services.
Capitalism – Definition, History, Features & Examples

Capitalism – Definition, History, Features & Examples

Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production and distribution are mainly owned and controlled by private individuals and firms. The primary aim of any economic activity in a capitalist state is to make profit.
Cenepa War

Cenepa War (1995) – History, Causes & Consequences

The Cenepa War, also known as the Alto Cenepa conflict, was a political and military confrontation between the nations of Ecuador and Peru, which occurred in 1995 and originated from territorial and border claims.
Biafria War (1967 – 1970)

Biafra War (1967 – 1970)

Instability is chronic in Nigeria and much of what happened in the past resonates today. Between 1967 and 1970, a civil and secessionist war took place in what is called Federal Republic of Nigeria that showed the fragility of the inherited borders in Africa and the terrible coexistence between the different ethnic groups, leaving, among various consequences, and according to different calculations, 500,000 - 2,000,000 victims (or more, others indicate, up to three million people) in that failed independence.
Auto Draft

History of Socialism | Meaning, Origin, Historic Context

Socialism is a philosophical current of economic, social and political thought, as well as a diverse set of political theories, movements and socio-economic systems that have been inspired by such thought. All of them have in common the defense of the public, collective or cooperative property of the means of production of the society, instead of their property in private hands. In addition, it proposes the planning and organization of social and economic life from the forces that make up the State.
Parliamentary Monarchy: Definition, Features & Examples

Parliamentary Monarchy: Definition, Features & Examples

Parliamentary monarchy is a form of government in which the power of a region or country is partially exercised by a monarch (King or Queen), since it is regulated by the legislative (Parliament) and executive power.

Northern People’s Congress (NPC)

The Northern People’s Congress (NPC) was the first major political party in Northern Nigeria. It began as Jamiyar Mutanen Arewa (JMA) in 1948. The party was formally launched in October 1951.

Local Government | Definition, Functions & Features

Local governments are semi-autonomous bodies created by the central government to undertake certain local functions within their respective areas of jurisdiction.

Features Of The Civil Service

Features of the Civil Service The civil service been a part of the public service is a body responsible for planning, giving advice, and implementing policies and government...
Electoral Malpractices | Definition, Forms, Causes and Effects

Electoral Malpractices | Definition, Forms, Causes & Effects

Malpractice means bad or improper behaviour. Failure to carry out a duty as expected may also be considered a malpractice. Therefore, electoral malpractice is the manifestation of all forms of electoral misconducts, capable of derailing the electoral process.
Democracy – Definition, Types, Pros & Cons

Democracy: Definition, Features, Types, Pros & Cons

Democracy means different things to different people. A former American president, Abraham Lincoln from 1861 to 1865 give democracy its arguably most popular meaning when he defined it as "government of the people, by the people, and for the people".

Principle of Collective Responsibility

The principle of collective responsibility states that the ministers are responsible collectively for the consideration, determination and coordination of the main lines of policy and for the conduct of the departments of government, each minister is also responsible for the management of his individual department.