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Political Parties: The Meaning, Features & Development

Political Parties is defined as an organised group of citizens, act together as a political unit, having distinctive aims and objectives involving political questions in the state and acting together and seeking to obtain control of government.

Functions of Political Parties

Functions of Political parties include the following in the political system - 1. Interest articulation, 2. Interest aggregation, 3. Recruitment and removal of political leaders, 4. Link between government and the people, 5. Mobilization of public opinion, 6. Peaceful means of changing government, 7. Simplification and clarification of issues.

Organisation of Political Parties

Political parties usually adopt different methods to achieve political power. It is this strategies or methods that provide parties with their organisation. Thus, the type of party organisation depends on the kind of methods they employ to realise their objectives. This implies that political parties create certain structures in order to capture political power.

Difference Between Political Parties and Pressure Groups

Differences Between Political Parties and Pressure Groups Pressure Groups and Political Parties (Our Views) The central objective of a pressure group is to influence government policies in favour...

The Development Of Major Political Parties In Nigeria

This article deals primarily with the political parties of the First, Second, Third and Fourth Republics of Nigeria. Unlike the nationalist parties of the colonial era whose primary objective was decolonisation, the overriding objective of the post-independence parties was to win political power.
Types of Political Participation

Types of Political Participation

Types of Political Participation | Political participation there for refers to "those activities by which members of a society share in the selection of rulers, and directly or indirectly in the formation of public policy".

Political Party | Definition, Features, Pros & Cons

A political party is an organized group of people who act together as a political unit, having distinctive aims and objectives involving political questions in the state and acting together and seeking to obtain control of government.

Action Group (AG) | Political Party, Nigeria

The Action Group (AG) was founded in 1950 but was formally launched in April 1951. Chief Obafemi Awolowo, the Secretary-Generel of ‘Egbe Omo Oduduwa’ was the leader of the party, which emerged from the Yoruba cultural association.
Agents of Political Socialization

Agents of Political Socialization

The agencies of political socialization are the means by which the beliefs, values, and attitudes of the people are shaped from time to time. There are primary and secondary agencies of socialization. The primary agencies are the family and school. On the other hand, socialization is only and incidental function of the secondary agencies such as the workplace, church, mosque, Social Club, etc.
Political Socialization: Definition, Agencies & Process

Political Socialization: Definition, Agencies & Process

Political socialization is a part of the socialization process. It is a process which is designed to infuse in the citizens the values of nationalism, patriotism and absolutely loyalty to the nation state. In other words, the people have made it to believe and accept, to a deliberate program that the interest of the nation takes precedence over tribal, ethnic, religious or sectional considerations.
Major Factors Affecting Political Culture

Major Factors Affecting Political Culture

Political Culture - 5 Important Factors That Affect Political Culture Meaning of Political Culture Political culture is that aspect of the culture of a people, which...
Political Culture – Definition, Types & Examples

Political Culture – Definition, Types & Examples

Political culture is that aspect of the culture of a people, which deals with politics. It refers to the set of attitudes and beliefs that relate to the political system and political issues and objects. In other words, political culture refers to those things, which the people carry in their heads in relation to political objects and events.
Action Group Crisis of 1962 (Causes & Consequences in Nigeria)

Action Group Crisis of 1962 (Causes & Consequences in Nigeria)

The Action Group (AG) crisis of 1962 was an intra-party disagreement which ordinarily should have been of little interest to students of Nigerian government and politics conflicts within political parties are normal and sometimes necessary.

Limitations On The Powers Of The Legislature

There are several limitations on the power of the leglslature. They include; Development of Political Parties, Expansion of Executive Powers, Judicial Review, Public Opinion & The Electorate.

Party Systems | Types, Explanations, Pros & Cons

The behaviour of political parties is determined by the kind of party systems in existence. Where the party system is competitive, the parties will likely be engaged in continual political activities. But where there is no inter-party competition, as in one-party states, the political party will be primarily engaged in the practice and justification of political authority.

Two Party System | Definition | Features | Pros & Cons

The two party system is a system in which there are two major political parties of nearly equal strength and a few minor parties that may be too small to have any major influence on the outcome of an election, although a third party may arise which threatens to, and sometimes does supplant one of the two large parties.

Multi-Party System | Definition, Features, Pros & Cons

A multi-party system is therefore a system in which there are several political parties of nearly equal strength. Unlike the two party system in which two of the many parties may be dominant, multipartyism is a party system in which there are several parties, any of which can win a general election.

Nigerian Advance Party (NAP)

The Nigerian Advance Party (NAP) was one of the political parties denied registration by FEDECO in 1978. It was registered on 24th May, 1982 and its registration was seen by the Opposition as a ploy by the ruling NPN government to undermine the dominance of the UPN in the South-Westem states.

London Constitutional Conference Of 1957

London Constitutional Conference - The conference was held in London between 23rd May and 26th June, 1957. The Secretary of State for the Colonies presided over the conference which was attended by eminent Nigeria politicians from the different political parties.
Africa as the Centrepiece of Nigeria Foreign Policy | Meaning, Principles & Implications

Africa as the Centrepiece of Nigeria Foreign Policy | Meaning, Principles & Implications

Africa as the “centrepiece” of Nigeria’s foreign policy means that Africa is the focus of Nigeria’s foreign policy. In other words, this policy orientation implies that the country places a high premium on issues relating to African affairs in her foreign policy.