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Commercialisation | Definition, Merits & Demerits

Commercialisation | Definition, Features, Merits & Demerits

Commercialisation is a state policy of making its companies, enterprises, parastatals, etc, more efficient and even more profit oriented. It will also make. - Commercialization
Electoral Malpractices | Definition, Forms, Causes and Effects

Electoral Malpractices | Definition, Forms, Causes & Effects

Malpractice means bad or improper behaviour. Failure to carry out a duty as expected may also be considered a malpractice. Therefore, electoral malpractice is the manifestation of all forms of electoral misconducts, capable of derailing the electoral process.

Decentralisation | Definition, Types, Pros & Cons

Decentralisation (Decentralization) is a system of administration in which responsibility and authority are given to subordinate bodies with definite powers within defined geographical areas. Decentralization therefore refers to an administrative process by which the central authorities vest power and authority on regional or local units or subordinate bodies to perform certain functions, which promote the welfare of the people.
Privatisation | Definition, Reasons, Pros & Cons

Privatisation: Definition, Reasons, Merits & Demerits

Privatisation is a policy of the government created to afford individuals, corporate bodies, the opportunity to take over ownership and control of government enterprises, companies, etc.
Invention of the Printing Press

The Printing Press: Invention, History & Importance

The invention of the printing press comprises the creation of a method for reproducing various copies of texts and images on paper or other materials, such as parchment or vellum, using movable type of wood or metal.

Representative Government: Definition, Features, Pros & Cons

Representative government is a form of government in which the people exercise power indirectly through their elected representatives. As direct democracy practised in the Greek City States is no longer possible in modern states, some form of representation in government becomes absolutely imperative.

Merits and Demerits of a Federalism

Merits and Demerits / Limitations of a Federal State A Federalisn State is one in which two or more independent states come together by contract...

Advantage and Disadvantage of Centralisation

Centralisation is defined as the process by which political power is located in a single central decision making body. The highest degree of centralization is achieved where all powers of government are vested in a central authority.