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Nigerian Federal Civil Service Commission (FRCS)

Federal Civil Service Commission (FRCS) is one of the oldest public commissions in Nigeria having first been established as the Public Service Commission in 1951 under the Macpherson Constitution.

Council of State (Nigeria) | Functions

The President is the Chairman of the Nigeria Council of State which was first established in 1975. It also has in its membership the Vice President (Vice Chairman), all former Presidents and Heads of State / Government, all former Chief Justices of Nigeria, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House Representatives, state governors and the Attorney General of the Federation.
Manuel Belgrano

Manuel Belgrano: Biography, History & Politics (1770-1820)

Manuel Belgrano: Biography, History & Politics (1770 - 1820) Manuel José Joaquín del Corazón de Jesús Belgrano y González - Creole patriot who participated in...
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Battle of Cepeda (1859) History, Causes & Consequences

The Battle of Cepeda in 1859 was a battle fought between the army of the Argentine Confederation, led by Justo José de Urquiza, and the army of the State of Buenos Aires, led by Bartolomé Miter, which took place on October 23 of that year in the stream of the Cepeda stream, current province of Buenos Aires.

Decentralisation | Definition, Types, Pros & Cons

Decentralisation (Decentralization) is a system of administration in which responsibility and authority are given to subordinate bodies with definite powers within defined geographical areas. Decentralization therefore refers to an administrative process by which the central authorities vest power and authority on regional or local units or subordinate bodies to perform certain functions, which promote the welfare of the people.

Features of the 1960 Independence Constitution of Nigeria

1960 Independence Constitution - The conference which became the last constitutional conference held before the attainment of Independence took place in London from September 29 to October 27, 1958.

Military Rule In Nigeria Politics (1966 – 1999)

Military Rule In Nigeria - In the early hours of January 15, 1966, Nigeria witnessed the first military coup led by Major Chukwuma Nzeogwu and other majors in the army. It was a bloody military intervention in the political history of Nigeria.

Advantages & Disadvantages of MacPherson Constitution of 1951

Sir John Stuart MacPherson Constitution has the following advantages and disadvantages...
Privatisation | Definition, Reasons, Pros & Cons

Privatisation: Definition, Reasons, Merits & Demerits

Privatisation is a policy of the government created to afford individuals, corporate bodies, the opportunity to take over ownership and control of government enterprises, companies, etc.

Federalism | Definition | Features | Pros & Cons

The term Federation emanated from the Latin word foedus, which means treaty or agreement. A federalism system of government involves sharing of political power among various component units of any state (country) where the central governments and regional governments are given varying powers by the constitution and each of them has power to have its own laws without relying on other.
Independence of Chile

Chilean War of Independence: History, Causes & Consequences

Independence of Chile: Political and military process that allowed Chile to be liberated from Spanish domination at the beginning of the 19th century. The political and military process that freed Chile from Spanish domination at the beginning of the 19th century is known as Independence of Chile. Chile was part of the Spanish Empire since the mid-16th century, when the conqueror Pedro de Valdivia occupied the central valley and founded the city of Santiago in 1541.
Military Dictatorship in Chile

Military Dictatorship in Chile (1973-1990) History, Features, Causes & Effects

The military dictatorship in Chile was a dictatorial regime headed by General Augusto Pinochet Ugarte, which began on September 11, 1973 and ended on March 11, 1990. That 17-year period began with a coup that overthrew the constitutional government of Socialist President Salvador Allende, who had ruled since 1970. The overthrow of Allende, who committed suicide during the assault on the Palacio de la Moneda, was instigated and supported by the United States.
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Independence of Uruguay: History, Causes & Consequences

The Independence of Uruguay was the process by which the Uruguayan territory, known then as the Eastern Band of the Río de la Plata, became independent from the Spanish Crown. This process began on February 28, 1811 with the Cry of Asencio.
Pain Scream

Cry of Dolores | Definition, History, Causes & Effects

Cry of Dolores (Grito de Dolores) is the act that began the Independence of Mexico. This took place on September 16, 1810, in the town of Dolores, and was starred by Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla.
Tiahuanaco Civilization

Tiwanaku: History, Religion, Economy & Civilization

Tiahuanaco Civilization: Tiwanaku History Tiwanaku (Tiahuanaco or Tiahuanacu: Spanish) - Civilization that developed on the shores of Lake Titikaka, between the year 500 and 1000...
Ways of Protecting Fundamental Human Rights

Ways of Protecting Fundamental Human Rights

Means / Ways Of Protecting Fundamental Human Rights Fundamental human right can be referred to as those inalienable (natural) rights, and privileges enjoyed by the citizens of a given state, which are...
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History of Fascism | The Origin & Fascist Ideology

Fascism was a nationalist and totalitarian political and social movement that emerged in Italy in 1919, after the end of the First World War. Its creator was Benito Mussolini, who ruled the Italian state from 1922 to 1945.
Feudalism: Definition, Features, Pros & Cons

Feudalism: Definition, Features, Pros & Cons

Feudalism: Definition, Features, Merits & Demerits Meaning of Feudalism Feudalism is a system of government based on the ownership of land. Feudalism is based on a...
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Difference Between Pharisees and Sadducees

Differences Between Pharisees and Sadducees The Bible refers frequently to the Sadducee and Pharisee, especially in the New Testament, because Jesus was in constant conflict with...

Control of Delegated Legislation

Delegated legislation has to be controlled because it promotes the growth of executive and bureaucratic power. In other words, delegated legislation relieves the legislature of its responsibility and strengthens the executive. This development is inevitable and it raises the need for effective control of delegated legislation. It can be controlled in the following ways.