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Muhammadu Buhari Military Rule In Nigeria (1983 – 1985)

The military once again seized power from a civilian government on 31st December, 1983. Major General Muhammadu Buhari emerged as the new Head of State and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces.

The National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroon (NCNC)

The National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroon (NCNC) was formed in 1944. The first president was Herbert Macaulay and the first general secretary was Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe.

Alliance for Democracy (AD)

The Alliance for Democracy was established in 1998 by former close associates of Chief Obafemi Awolowo, the late leader of the Action Group and Unity Party of Nigeria. In particular, the party was formed to promote the cause of the Yoruba people in the Nigerian federation following the annulment of the June 12, 1993 presidential election widely believed to have been won by Chief M. K. O. Abiola, a Yoruba multi-millionaire businessman.

National Party of Nigeria (NPN)

The National Party of Nigeria (NPN) was formed in September 1978. The party developed out of a body known as the Northern Movement, a group of old and young politicians from the Northern part of the country. One thing that bound together members of the Northern Movement was their belief that political elites of the North should provide leadership in any national government.

Features Of Free And Fair Elections

Characteristics and Features Of Free And Fair Elections What is an Election? An election is a formal group decision-making process by which a population chooses an...

Policy Of Association | French Colonial Administrations

The policy of association was developed in place of assimilation and by 1958 the policy of assimilation had been completely abandoned.

Mass Party | Definition, Features & Examples

A mass party is any political Institutions, which attempts to unite all the elements of the society in its demand for power. It seeks to broaden its support among the citizens by bringing into its fold farmers, workers, traders, students, workers and the employers (bourgeoisie).

Franchise | Definition, Historical and Types of Suffrage

The term 'suffrage' is often used interchangeable with franchise. Nevertheless, they both mean the same thing. Suffrage or franchise is the right or privilege granted by the state to members of a community to participate in an election or a referendum. This means that anyone who has this right can vote in an election or take part in a referendum.

Universal Adult Suffrage | Definition, Merits & Demerits

Universal adult suffrage is sometimes called unlimited suffrage or unlimited franchise. It means that every citizen who has reached the age of maturity has the right to vote. In practice, the universal adult suffrage does not operate in any country

Functions of Government

The functions and Powers of a government are usually defined by the constitution of the state. The basic functions of government are as follows - Maintenance of Law And Order, Making and Enforcing Law

Government As A Process Or The Art Of Governing

Thus government as a process or the art of governing refers to the way public business is carried out. In carrying out public business, there is the need for the use of creative skills. Policies have to be adapted to the prevailing situation. Thus is precisely why governing is an art.

Stages of Elections | The Conduct of Elections

Stages of Elections - Election is the act of electing candidates to represent the people of a given country in the Parliament, the executive and possibly into the other arms of government as stipulated in the Constitution of that particular country.

Functions Of The State – Government

The state and the government, for obvious reasons, perform similar functions. The major functions of the state are as follows: - Maintenance of Law and Order

Why Study Government? – Importance Of Studying Government

Why Do We Study Government? - After this, a students of Government may not find it difficult to answer the question: why study Government? Nevertheless, the study of Government is important for the following reasons.

Government As An Institution Of The State

Government as an institution of the state may be defined as a machinery established by the state to organize the state, manage it’s affairs and administer it’s functions and duties. It is also seen as a machinery through which the will of the state is formulated, expressed and realised.

Attributes Or Characteristics Of Good Government

Characteristics Of Good Government - Government is the system or group of people governing an organized community, often a State.

Features Of The 1979 Constitution Of Nigeria

The main features of the 1979 constitution of Nigeria second republic included the following - Promotion of National Unity, Introduction of Presidential System of Government, National Assembly, The Judiciary and Retention of Federalism System of Government.

Features of 1989 Constitution In Nigeria

Features of the Third Republican – 1989 Constitution of Federal Republic of Nigeria

Merits and Demerits of 1999 Constitution In Nigeria

Advantages and Disadvantages of 1999 Constitution Of Federal Republic Of Nigeria - 4th Republican Constitution Merits of 1999 Constitution Of Nigeria The major advantages and arguments...

Features of 1999 Constitution In Nigeria

Under the 1999 Constitution, Nigeria remains a federation with three different levels of government, namely, federal, state and local governments.