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Liberty: Definition & Meaning (Civil Liberty)

Liberty: Definition & Meaning (Civil Liberty)

Liberty is the ability or willingness to do something and the power of doing what has been conceived without interference or influence from any other source. However, liberty, as defined above, could be an impossibility for all citizens at the same time.
Moral Values – Definition, Examples, Types & Concepts

Moral Values – Definition, Examples, Types & Concepts

Moral values are those values that a person is acquired based on their experience. Those rules or behavioural modes are inherited and transmitted by society to citizens. In addition, they determine how to behave directly or indirectly.

Advantage and Disadvantage of Confederal System of Government

Confederation / Confederal system of government is the type of government in which sovereign states come together as autonomous bodies to form a loose political union in which the central government is subordinate to the components governments.

Limitations on the Powers of the Executive in a Presidential Government

The presidential system of government is based on separation of power where the Executive is separated from the Legislature. It can also be regarded as a system where executive powers are invested in one person called the president and in which the Executive arm of government is separated from the Legislature but equal to it.

The Judiciary | Definition | Features | Functions

The Judiciary is the system of courts that interprets and applies the law. The judiciary also provides a mechanism for the resolution of disputes. Under the doctrine of the separation of powers, the judiciary generally does not make law (in a plenary fashion which is the responsibility of the legislature) or enforce law (which is the responsibility of the executive) but rather interprets law and applies it to the facts of each case.

Limitations On The Powers Of The Legislature

There are several limitations on the power of the leglslature. They include; Development of Political Parties, Expansion of Executive Powers, Judicial Review, Public Opinion & The Electorate.

The Executive | Definition | Functions | Types of Executive

The executive is the branch of government which carries out the will of the state. It enforces the laws made by the legislature and carries out court decisions and also takes action on matters which are not covered by the law.

Limitations on the Powers of the Executive Branch

Limitations on the Powers of the Executive Branch | 1. There is parliamentary control of the executive, especially in a cabinet system of government. The prime minister and his cabinet are responsible to the lower house. That is, they must explain and defend their policies in the house, and if the parliament withdraws its support for the government, the prime minister either resigns or advises the king or president to dissolve parliament in order to seek fresh support through a general election.

Rights and Obligations of Government in a State

Just as citizens have certain rights, duties and obligations, a government also enjoys a number of rights and performs certain obligations. It is, however, more appropriate to talk about the obligations rather than the duties of government, as it may be difficult to compel a government to discharge its responsibility to the Citizens.

Political Parties: The Meaning, Features & Development

Political Parties is defined as an organised group of citizens, act together as a political unit, having distinctive aims and objectives involving political questions in the state and acting together and seeking to obtain control of government.

Functions of Political Parties

Functions of Political parties include the following in the political system - 1. Interest articulation, 2. Interest aggregation, 3. Recruitment and removal of political leaders, 4. Link between government and the people, 5. Mobilization of public opinion, 6. Peaceful means of changing government, 7. Simplification and clarification of issues.

Party Systems | Types, Explanations, Pros & Cons

The behaviour of political parties is determined by the kind of party systems in existence. Where the party system is competitive, the parties will likely be engaged in continual political activities. But where there is no inter-party competition, as in one-party states, the political party will be primarily engaged in the practice and justification of political authority.

Multi-Party System | Definition, Features, Pros & Cons

A multi-party system is therefore a system in which there are several political parties of nearly equal strength. Unlike the two party system in which two of the many parties may be dominant, multipartyism is a party system in which there are several parties, any of which can win a general election.

Zero Party System | Non-Partisan Democracy | Definition | Pros & Cons

Zero party system (Also known as: Non-partisan Democracy) has to do with a standard where political leaders are elected by the people on indvidual basis. There is no political party. Candidates are mostly independent and are elected according to their merits. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Multi-Party System

One of the disadvantages of Multi-party System is that the system is defective in that it is usually difficult for one party to win an election. As such coalition governments which are generally unstable are formed to overcome the problem.

The 1960 Independence Constitution of Nigeria

The 1960 Independence Constitution of Nigeria was the outcome of a series of conferences held in Lagos and London between 1957 and 1959 to resolve the problems which had emerged as a result of the implementation of the Oliver Lyttleton Constitution of 1954.

Merits and Demerits of Independence 1960 Constitution In Nigeria

The Nigerian Independence 1960 Constitution advantages are; Independence of the country with Bi-cameral Legislature, Provisions for the Fundamental human rights of citizens...

The Nigerian 1963 Republican Constitution

The 1963 Republican Constitution came into effect on 1st October, 1963. This constitution and other subsequent post-independence constitutions are distinguishable from the previous ones by the fact that they are drafted by Nigerians for Nigerians.

Features of the 1963 Republican Constitution In Nigeria

1963 Republican Constitution - The prime minister and regional premiers met in May, 1963 in order to discuss and settle constitutional issues. So, the conference of heads of government of Nigeria agreed to summon an all-party constitutional conference in Lagos to suggest to it, important changes in the constitution.

Reasons For Military Intervention In Nigeria Politics

Generally, there are two theories about the causes of military intervention in Nigeria politics. The first theory relates to the internal characteristics of the military itself. This theory contends that military intervention in politics...