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Differences Between Rigid and Flexible Constitution

Difference Between Rigid Constitutions and Flexible Constitutions (with Examples) Under types of constitutions, we classify constitutions on the basis of the ease with which the...

Rigid and Flexible Constitution | Definition, Pros & Cons

Definition of Rigid and Flexible Constitution - Difference, Advantages & Disadvantages The distinction between rigid and flexible constitutions is based purely on the amendment procedure...

Constitutionalism: Definition, Concepts & Features

Constitutionalism, therefore represents a strict adherence to the provisions of a constitution by both the rulers and the ruled. It emphasizes that the constitution is superior to any other power in the political system.

Confederal Constitution | Definition, Features, Pros & Cons

Confederal Constitution - Definition, Features, Advantages and Disadvantages A confederal constitution provides for a union of states with a very weak and almost powerless central...

Unitary Constitution | Definition, Features, Merits & Demerits

Unitary Constitution – Definition, Features, Advantages and Disadvantages Definition of Unitary Constitution In a unitary constitution, all political powers goes to the central and concentrated in...

Federal Constitution | Definition, Features, Pros & Cons

Federal Constitution - Definition, Features, Advantages and Disadvantages Definition of Federal Constitution A federal constitution is one which divides and apportions political Powers the different tiers...

Differences Between Written and Unwritten Constitution

Differences Between Written Constitution and Unwritten Constitution Going by criterion, there are two basic forms of constitutions, which are: written and unwritten constitutions. Yet, it...

Constitution | Definition, Types, Functions & Principles

Constitution - Definition, Principles, Sources, Types and Scope of Constitution Definition of Constitution A constitution may be defined as a set of rules, which establishes the...

Written Constitution | Definition, Examples, Merits & Demerits

What is Written Constitution - Advantages, Disadvantages A constitution is said to be written when the most important constitutional laws are enacted or are formally...

Unwritten Constitution | Definition, Examples, Pros & Cons

Unwritten Constitution - Definition, Examples, Advantages and Disadvantages To say that a constitution is unwritten does not meant the constitution is not writing as the...

Government & Politics (Study Guides)

Government‍ and Politics - Study Guides This page was created in the midst to help our visitor in finding their most wanted topics at ease.....

Confederal System of Government | Definition | Features | Pros & Cons

A confederal government is a form of government in which power is concentrated in the state or regional governments. This implies that the member-states of a confederation are more powerful than the central government. In any political system where the states are sovereign, the result is a confederation.

Centralisation | Definition, Reasons, Pros & Cons

Centralisation refers to a system of government or administration in which major decision making is centralized at the centre in the hands of central government officials or administrators. Major decisions are taken at the headquarters and sent down to the regional or branch offices for implementation.

Advantage and Disadvantage of Unitary System of Government

Advantages and Disadvantages of Unitary System of Government Unitary government may be defined as one in which all powers and authorities for the exercise of...
Bourgeoisie: Definition, Features & Ideas

Bourgeoisie: Definition, Features, Ideas & Facts

Bourgeoisie is a term used to refer to a sector of the middle-class population, which has a good economic income and the possession of material or capital goods, such as property.

Difference Between Unitary and Federal System of Government

Unitary system of government may be described as a government organized under a single central government. A Federal system of government is one in which sovereignty is not confined exclusively to either the central government or the component units, but rather, is divided between them.

Unitary System of Government | Definition | Features | Pros & Cons

Unitary System of Government | The word ‘unitary’ is an adjective derived from the term ‘unit’, which means one. A unitary government is therefore a form of government with one legally recognized government. There is a single central government, which derives its powers from a unitary constitution.

Muhammadu Buhari Military Rule In Nigeria (1983 – 1985)

The military once again seized power from a civilian government on 31st December, 1983. Major General Muhammadu Buhari emerged as the new Head of State and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces.

Features of Unitary Government

Features of Unitary Government |Unitarian System of Government Unitary Government or Unitarian system of government involves centralization of political power in a single authority but...

Features of Federal System of Government

Features of Federal System of Government | Politics| Federal State A federal system of government is one in which there is constitutional division of powers...