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Independence Day of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Independence Day of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Independence Day of the Republic of Venezuela July 5, 2022 July 5: Independence Day of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. The independence of Venezuela was the legal-political...
Venezuelan War of Independence | History of Venezuela Day

Venezuelan War of Independence | History of Venezuela Day

The Independence of Venezuela was a political process that took place between 1810 and 1830, through which the Captaincy General of Venezuela achieved its emancipation from the Spanish Crown. The independence process began in 1810 with conspiracies headed by Creole merchants and landowners, who wanted to put an end to the commercial monopoly and the abuses of colonial officials.
Facebook Marketplace Omaha - What Is Facebook Marketplace? | Marketplace on Facebook

Facebook Marketplace Omaha – What Is Facebook Marketplace? | Marketplace on Facebook

Facebook Marketplace Omaha is what we will be covering in the course of this article. Thus, if you are here because you are in...

Trade Union: Definition, Functions, Purpose & Problems

A trade union is an organization of paid workers employed for the purpose of improving the salarles and conditions of service/work.
Gas Producing and Exporting Countries (GPEC) – Aims & Objectives

Gas Producing and Exporting Countries (GPEC) – Aims & Objectives

Gas Producing and Exporting Countries (GPEC) was founded by 14 countries Algeria, Brunei, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Lybia, Qatar, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela, Indonesia, Malaysia, Oman, Russia and Nigeria.
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

OPEC was established in Baghdad, Iraq in September 1960. Like many other international organizations, OPEC was formed by a few founding members, namely, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezeula. In the 1960s, five more countries became members: Qatar (1961), Indonesia (1962), Libya (1962), Abu Dhabi (1967) and Algeria (1969). In 1974, the United Arab Emirates of which Abu Dhabi was the dominant member took Abu Dhabi’s place.
United Nations (UN) | History,

United Nations (UN) | History, Features, Members, Organs, Aims & Objectives

The United Nations or UN, also called the United Nations Organization (UNO), is the largest and most important international organization on the planet. Most of the world's recognized nations ascribe to it.
Difference Between Direct and Indirect Democracy

Difference Between Direct and Indirect Democracy

DIRECT AND INDIRECT DEMOCRACY What are Direct and Indirect Democracy? Democracy is a type of government system in which the decision-making power rests with the people, as the...
Trade Disputes

Kleptocracy: Definition, Features, Types, Pros & Cons

Kleptocracy is a form of government which is characterized by the systematic and institutionalized theft of public funds and goods by its elites. In a kleptocracy government, rulers and like-minded elites engage in robbery in a normalized way. To such an extent that there is an institutionalization of corruption. In democracies, theoretically, the income and money obtained after government tax collection is reinvested in the form of public services.
Independence of Colombia

Colombian Declaration of Independence (1810) – History, Causes & Consequences

Independence of Colombia is called the political and military process that allowed the Viceroyalty of New Granada to be separated from the Spanish Empire. This process began on July 20, 1810, when the Creoles of Bogotá formed a government junta that displaced the Spanish viceroy from power. It ended in 1822, after Simón Bolívar defeated the royalists and formed Gran Colombia, which integrated Nueva Granada, Venezuela and Ecuador into a single state.
Independence of Ecuador

Ecuadorian War of Independence | Ecuador Revolution

The Independence of Ecuador is known as the process of liberation from the colonial rule of the Royal Court of Quito, which since 1563 belonged to the Spanish Empire. This process of emancipation began on October 9, 1820, with the seizure of power by the revolutionary Creoles of the city ​​of Guayaquil.
Congress of Angostura

Congress of Angostura: History, Resolution & Characteristics

The Congress of Angostura is known as the Constituent Assembly convened in 1819 by the Venezuelan liberator, Simón Bolívar. It met in the city ​​of Santo Tomás de Angostura, in what is now Ciudad Bolívar, east of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. The Congress of Angostura was made up of 30 deputies who belonged to 7 of the former provinces of the Captaincy General of Venezuela. His objective was to unite Venezuela and New Granada into a single nation, called Colombia.
Bolivian Independence

Bolivian War of Independence | History, Causes & Effects

The Independence of Bolivia was a revolutionary process that led to the liberation of the colonial region of Alto Peru and the birth of the Republic of Bolivia in 1825. The revolutionary process began in 1809, with the uprisings in the cities of Chuquisaca and La Paz. From then until 1825, Upper Peru was the scene of a large number of confrontations between patriots and Upper Peruvian royalists, and between the expeditionary forces sent by Buenos Aires and the royal army of Peru.
Admirable Campaign

Admirable Campaign: History, Facts, Causes & Consequences

Admirable Campaign: Definition & History Admirable Campaign: Military expedition carried out by Simón Bolívar in 1813, in the context of the wars for the Independence...
Auto Draft

History of Socialism | Meaning, Origin, Historic Context

Socialism is a philosophical current of economic, social and political thought, as well as a diverse set of political theories, movements and socio-economic systems that have been inspired by such thought. All of them have in common the defense of the public, collective or cooperative property of the means of production of the society, instead of their property in private hands. In addition, it proposes the planning and organization of social and economic life from the forces that make up the State.
Socialism – Definition, Features, Pros & Cons

Socialism – Definition, Features, Pros & Cons

Socialism is an intermediate or transition stage between capitalism and communism. It is both an economic and political concept. As an economic concept, socialism means an economic system in which the means of production (i.e land, labour, capital) are controlled mainly by the state. Most economic activities in a socialist state are performed by the government and its agencies.