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Fascism in Italy: Definition, History & Origins

Italian fascism was a totalitarian political movement, led by Benito Mussolini. It was developed between the years 1920 and 1943, especially after the political and economic crisis that generated the First World War. Italy was the first fascist state in history.
Benito Mussolini

Benito Mussolini – Biography, History, Politics & Death

Benito Mussolini was an Italian political leader who established fascism in interwar Italy. He held the positions of president of the Council of Ministers of Italy (1922-1943) and leader (Duce) of the Italian Social Republic (1943-1945). His political life began in the ranks of socialism. But after going through World War I, he renounced his Marxist past, turned to the right, and became a nationalist. In 1921 he founded the National Fascist Party and the following year organized the March on Rome, which allowed him to reach power. Little by little, he was building an authoritarian regime that ended the parliamentary system, persecuted opponents, and criticized both capitalism and socialism.

Features of One-Party State

Single party system or One Party State may be defined as one in which only one legal and legitimate political party is constitutionally recognised in the country. No other party is recognised and can therefore not exist. The main features of one party state may be summarized as follows;

One Party System | Definition, Features, Pros & Cons

A one party system, one party state or single party system is a party system in which one party is officially recognized or dominant. It is no longer fashionable today to have a one-party system but some socialist countries such as China, and Cuba Republic still practise this system.

Purposes of Elections | Processes & Functions

The purposes and functions of elections in the political systems include the Clarification of Issues, Selection of Candidates for Public Office, Peaceful Transfer of Power, Political Participation and Communication.

Nnamdi Azikiwe (1904 – 1996)

Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe "Zik" Benjamin, a foremost nationalist and statesman was born at Zungeru in Northern part of Nigeria in 1904. At the time of his birth, Azikiwe’s father was serving as a clerk in the Nigeria Regiment at Zungeru. He attended schools at Onitsha, Lagos and Calabar before going back to Lagos in 1921 to further his education.

Restricted Suffrage | Definition, Pros & Cons

Restricted Suffrage or Limited Franchise means that the right to vote is restricted only to male adults or people who possess certain special qualifications. During the apartheid era in South Africa, for example, the right to vote was granted only to the White (Afrikaner). The black people who constituted the majority of the population were disenfranchised.

Fascism – Definition, Historical, Ideology & Features

Fascism is a form of government which concentrates all power in a single party headed by a dictator. It is a dictatorial system of government. But as Ernest Nolte (1965) pointed out, any good definition of fascism cannot afford to fail to emphasize it's anti-communism posture. Indeed the greatest enemy of fascism is communism. The first fascist regime was established by Benito Mussolini in Italy in 1925. The word fascism comes from "fasci ," an Italian term for "bundle of sticks" that was a symbol for strength in unity. Fascists believe in one-party, totalitarian control of a nation and its economy.

Communism – Definition, Historical, Ideology & Features

Communism simply refers to a classless society. According to Karl Marx, it is the highest stage of development of a society. In a communist society, there is a common sharing of material goods.
Totalitarianism – Definition, History, Features & Examples

Totalitarianism – Definition, History, Features & Examples

Totalitarianism is a form of government in which the state claims total control of all the activities of the people. The government controls both the public and private realms. In totalitarian system of government, any act can be considered 'political' if the government so desires. The former Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin, and Germany under Adolf Hitler were typical examples of totalitarian governments.
Forms of Government | Types & Definition

Forms of Government | Types & Definition

There are different types and forms of government. However, the form of government been adopted by a country depends to a great extent on the customs, beliefs, history, law and institutions of the state, and the type of people controlling the government. The form of government being operated by a state will also vary with a particular functions of the people and rulers of a state which a government do undertake.
Democracy – Definition, Types, Pros & Cons

Democracy: Definition, Features, Types, Pros & Cons

Democracy means different things to different people. A former American president, Abraham Lincoln from 1861 to 1865 give democracy its arguably most popular meaning when he defined it as "government of the people, by the people, and for the people".
Types of Capitalism | Examples of a Capitalist Economy

Types of Capitalism | Examples of a Capitalist Economy

Types of Capitalism Economic system that defends the freedom of the market. Definition of Capitalism Capitalism is an economic system that defends the freedom of the market and...

Features of Confederal System of Government

A con-federal state or confederal system of government could be regarded as a loosed federation where ultimate power resides in state forming the alliances. It could also be regarded as a political arrangement in which autonomous reserved exclusively for the component states with a weak centre.
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History of Fascism | The Origin & Fascist Ideology

Fascism was a nationalist and totalitarian political and social movement that emerged in Italy in 1919, after the end of the First World War. Its creator was Benito Mussolini, who ruled the Italian state from 1922 to 1945.
Communalism | Definition, Features, Pros & Cons

Communalism | Definition, Features, Pros & Cons

Communalism is a political system in which there is a joint or communal ownership of the means of production (land, labour and capital) and equal distribution of the products of labour.
Types of Totalitarianism | Examples of a Totalitarian Government

Types of Totalitarianism | Examples of a Totalitarian Government

Totalitarianism: It is a political idea that considers that the state possesses absolute power. It is characterized by evading the basic norms of law of modern society and not allowing a separation of powers. The totalitarian state carries out total control of the population and of all its institutions through propaganda and the police.

Communist Manifesto: Definition & Summary

The communist manifesto is the basic document of communist thought, made up of the thoughts of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels on political, economic and sociological matters. In it the pillars of both original Socialism and Marxism are embodied.