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Republican Government – Definition, Features & Examples

A Republican Government or Republicanism is a form of government in which sovereign of the state is headed by a president, directly or indirectly elected by the people for a fixed term of office.
Problems of Local Government in Nigeria | Challenges & Solutions

Problems of Local Government in Nigeria | Challenges & Solutions

Local government may be defined as a government established through an Act at the local level and to deal with specific matters as it affects them. Under the 1963 Republican constitution, local government authorities were created mainly to deal with matters of local concern, e.g. markets, feeder roads and motor parks.

Parliamentary Government: Definition, Types, Examples, Pros & Cons

The Cabinet or parliamentary system of government is an executive based on parliamentary majority. It is sometimes known as party government. It is the leader of the party that wins the largest majority in parliament in a general election that is called upon to form a government. He becomes the Prime Minister if he is able to form a government.

The Nigerian 1963 Republican Constitution

The 1963 Republican Constitution came into effect on 1st October, 1963. This constitution and other subsequent post-independence constitutions are distinguishable from the previous ones by the fact that they are drafted by Nigerians for Nigerians.

Merits and Demerits of 1963 Republican Constitution In Nigeria

The 1963 Republican Constitution in Nigeria first republic has the following advantages and disadvantages. An elected president, Supreme Court as the final court of appeal, Fundamental human rights, Power of judicial review, Political participation, Free from external (British) interference

Features of the 1963 Republican Constitution In Nigeria

1963 Republican Constitution - The prime minister and regional premiers met in May, 1963 in order to discuss and settle constitutional issues. So, the conference of heads of government of Nigeria agreed to summon an all-party constitutional conference in Lagos to suggest to it, important changes in the constitution.

National Republican Convention (NRC)

Like the SDP, the National Republican Convention (NRC) was formed and sponsored by the Federal Military Government. The first Chairman of the National Republican Convention party was Chief Tom Ikimi and he was succeeded by Dr. Hamed Kusamotu. Other prominent members of the NRC political party were Alhahi Umaru Shinkafl, Chief Evans Enwerem and Alhaji Bashir Tofa, the party’s presidential candidate in the 1993 presidential elections.

The 1979 Republican Constitution of Nigeria

The 1979 republican constitution which came into effect on 1st October, 1979 was the first post-military constitution in Nigeria. The constitution was prepared and promulgated by the Murtala/Obasanjo Federal Military Government but not until after several futile attempts had been made by previous military governments to implement a transition programme.
Forms of Government | Types & Definition

Forms of Government | Types & Definition

There are different types and forms of government. However, the form of government been adopted by a country depends to a great extent on the customs, beliefs, history, law and institutions of the state, and the type of people controlling the government. The form of government being operated by a state will also vary with a particular functions of the people and rulers of a state which a government do undertake.
Features of Totalitarian System of Government

Features of Totalitarian System of Government

Features of Totalitarian System of Government Totalitarian is defined as a form of government in which the state has absolute control of everything, including all aspects...
Auto Draft

Constitutional Monarchy: Definition, Features, Pros & Cons

A constitutional monarchy is a form of monarchical government (that is, exercised by a king or queen) in which there is a separation of powers and therefore the king shares political power with other institutions, such as a parliament and a court of law.
Caudillos | Definition, Origin & Features

Caudillos | Definition, Origin & Features

The caudillos were political, military and ideological leaders that emerged during the 19th and 20th centuries in various countries of Southern America. These were not popular leaders, but led the popular sectors leading a coalition of elite forces.
Independence of Argentina

Argentina War of Independence | History, Causes & Effects

The Independence of Argentina was produced from the political and military process that allowed the United Provinces of South America to emancipate themselves from Spanish rule at the beginning of the 19th century.
Bolivian Independence

Bolivian War of Independence | History, Causes & Effects

The Independence of Bolivia was a revolutionary process that led to the liberation of the colonial region of Alto Peru and the birth of the Republic of Bolivia in 1825. The revolutionary process began in 1809, with the uprisings in the cities of Chuquisaca and La Paz. From then until 1825, Upper Peru was the scene of a large number of confrontations between patriots and Upper Peruvian royalists, and between the expeditionary forces sent by Buenos Aires and the royal army of Peru.
Ayutla Plan

Plan of Ayutla: Meaning, History, Causes & Consequences

The Plan of Ayutla (Ayutla Plan) was a political pronouncement made by liberal leaders against the dictatorship of Mexican President Antonio López de Santa Anna. It was proclaimed on March 1, 1854 in the city of Ayutla, State of Guerrero, by Florencio Villarreal, Ignacio Comonfort and Juan N. Álvarez. He received the support of Benito Juárez, Melchor Ocampo, Ponciano Arriaga, and other liberals exiled by Santa Anna, who had gone into exile in the United States.
First Mexican Empire

First Mexican Empire | History, Facts, Causes & End (1821–1823)

The First Mexican Empire was the sovereign State that was constituted after the declaration of the Independence of Mexico, in 1821. This empire lasted only 17 months, since it was proclaimed on August 24, 1821 and dissolved on April 8, 1823. The only monarch of the First Mexican Empire was the Creole General Agustín de Iturbide, who adopted the name of Agustín I. Iturbide's reign ended when his opponents, led by General Antonio López de Santa Anna and Guadalupe Victoria, took up arms against he.

Reasons For Military Intervention In Nigeria Politics

Generally, there are two theories about the causes of military intervention in Nigeria politics. The first theory relates to the internal characteristics of the military itself. This theory contends that military intervention in politics...

Ibrahim Babangida Military Administrations In Nigeria (1985 – 1993)

In a palace coup that took place on 27th August, 1985, Major General Ibrahim Babangida, the Chief of Army Staff under the Buhari regime, emerged as the new Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federation.

Aguiyi Ironsi Military Administrations In Nigeria (1966)

J.T.U. Aguiyi Ironsi Military Rule (January, 1966 – July, 1966) - The deep division in the political class and the military institution itself, encouraged a few young army officers to overthrow the civilian government of Alhaji Tafawa Balewa at the dawn of 15th January, 1966.

Social Democratic Party (SDP)

The Social Democratic Party (SDP) was created by the Federal Military Government in 1989 as part of its transition to civil rule programme. Alhaji Baba Gana Kingibe was the first Chairman of the party.