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Difference Between Nation and State

Difference Between Nation and State

We often use the terms state and nation (and even nation and country) interchangeably, as if they were synonymous. Although they can be in colloquial contexts, each one has a specific meaning that should be understood.
Trade Disputes

Kleptocracy: Definition, Features, Types, Pros & Cons

Kleptocracy is a form of government which is characterized by the systematic and institutionalized theft of public funds and goods by its elites. In a kleptocracy government, rulers and like-minded elites engage in robbery in a normalized way. To such an extent that there is an institutionalization of corruption. In democracies, theoretically, the income and money obtained after government tax collection is reinvested in the form of public services.
Capitalism – Definition, History, Features & Examples

Capitalism – Definition, History, Features & Examples

Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production and distribution are mainly owned and controlled by private individuals and firms. The primary aim of any economic activity in a capitalist state is to make profit.
Difference Between Hardware and Software

Difference Between Hardware and Software

The hardware is the structure that gives physical support to the computer while the software is the operational support. Together, hardware and software are essential elements for the operation of the computer and other electronic devices.
Argentine military dictatorship

Argentine Military Dictatorship (1976 – 1983) History, Causes & Effects

The Argentine military dictatorship, also called the National Reorganization Process, was a civic-military dictatorship that occurred in Argentina between 1976 and 1983. This happened after the military coup that overthrew the government of María Estela Martínez de Perón, immediately installing a military junta that had Jorge Videla as de-facto president.
Types of Proletariat

Types of Proletariat

The proletariat is distinguished from other classes such as the bourgeoisie in that it does not possess greater assets than its capacity for work, and therefore constitutes the basis of capitalist society of, as defined by Karl Marx, the "exploitation of man by man". The bourgeoisie, on the other hand, is the owner of the means of production and requires labor to generate consumer goods.
Plutocracy: Definition, Features, Pros & Cons

Plutocracy: Definition, Features, Pros & Cons

Plutocracy (Also known as; Plutarchy), like Oligocracy or Oligarchy, is a form of government that develops when a wealthy individual or richest people in the society holds power and, therefore, runs the State.
Legitimacy: Definition, Sources & Problem

Legitimacy: Definition, Sources & Problem

Legitimacy is a characteristic attributed to everything that complies with what is imposed by legal norms and is considered a good for society, that is, everything that is legitimate. Normally, this is a characteristic that is frequently discussed in the legal field, in which it states that a situation or phenomenon is considered correct according to the parameters established by the system of laws and regulations.
Proletariat: Definition, History & Features

Proletariat: Definition, History & Features

The proletariat are the class of people who do not have means of production. They are exploited workers in capitalist system and only earn their living through wage labour. Similarly, they have no say in the area of decision making of any organization.
Features of a Democratic Government

Features of a Democratic Government

Democratic Government | Democracy is a form of government in which citizen participation is encouraged, through a series of legitimate mechanisms, so that they can make political, economic, social and cultural decisions. Democracy is a system of government that respects human rights, freedom of expression, and equal opportunities. It also seeks to be a fair system and ensure the general welfare of society.
Types of Political Participation

Types of Political Participation

Types of Political Participation | Political participation there for refers to "those activities by which members of a society share in the selection of rulers, and directly or indirectly in the formation of public policy".

Timocracy: Meaning, Definition & Features

Timocracy - Meaning & Definition The first thing we are going to do in order to fully understand the meaning of the term timocracy is...
Auto Draft

Constitutional Monarchy: Definition, Features, Pros & Cons

A constitutional monarchy is a form of monarchical government (that is, exercised by a king or queen) in which there is a separation of powers and therefore the king shares political power with other institutions, such as a parliament and a court of law.
Differences Between Autocracy, Oligocracy and Democracy

Differences Between Autocracy, Oligocracy and Democracy

Even so, within this huge political conglomerate, all of them are born from the most basic differentiation into three political systems: autocracy, oligocracy or oligarchy, and democracy. Since the time of Aristotle, these are the three main forms of government. 
Caudillos | Definition, Origin & Features

Caudillos | Definition, Origin & Features

The caudillos were political, military and ideological leaders that emerged during the 19th and 20th centuries in various countries of Southern America. These were not popular leaders, but led the popular sectors leading a coalition of elite forces.
Independence of Mexico

Mexican War of Independence | History, Causes & Effects

Independence of Mexico: Process of liberation of the colonial territory of New Spain, which took place between 1810 and 1821.
Independence of Argentina

Argentina War of Independence | History, Causes & Effects

The Independence of Argentina was produced from the political and military process that allowed the United Provinces of South America to emancipate themselves from Spanish rule at the beginning of the 19th century.
Treaties of Córdoba

Treaty of Córdoba (1821) – History, Causes & Consequences

The Treaty of Córdoba were the first legal documents, signed on August 24, 1821, in which the Independence of Mexico from the regime of the Spanish Crown was recognized.
Difference Between Dictatorship and Autocracy

Difference Between Dictatorship and Autocracy

Dictatorship is a system in which a single person rules the entire nation. Dictatorship is very similar to autocracy, since the reins of power remain in the hands of an individual. The power of this individual is unlimited and uncontrolled. You are not accountable to anyone and none of your actions are subject to legal review.

Authoritarianism: Definition, Features & Examples

Authoritarianism is a non-democratic system of government in which one person or elite holds power. And in which political rights and civil liberties are widely restricted. The authoritarianism is a way of exercising power in an authoritarian manner. It is also understood as an abusive attitude of authority. This word is especially used to describe authoritarian systems of government of a nation or country. It comes from the adjective 'authoritarian'.