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Northern People’s Congress (NPC)
The Northern People’s Congress (NPC) was the first major political party in Northern Nigeria. It began as Jamiyar Mutanen Arewa (JMA) in 1948. The party was formally launched in October 1951.
Action Group (AG) | Political Party, Nigeria
The Action Group (AG) was founded in 1950 but was formally launched in April 1951. Chief Obafemi Awolowo, the Secretary-Generel of ‘Egbe Omo Oduduwa’ was the leader of the party, which emerged from the Yoruba cultural association.
United Middle Belt Congress (UMBC) | Political Party, Nigeria
The United Middle Belt Congress (UMBC) was formed in the early 1950s to promote the cause of the non-Muslim minority in Northern Nigeria. It developed largely as a protest movement against the dominance of the Northern People’s Congress (NPC) in the area.
Loi Cadre of 1956 In French West Africa | Aspects
Loi cadre was formulated in 1956. The law encompassed all the political and constitutional changes or reforms introduced by the French Government in 1956 to grant some autonomy to its overseas colonial territories.
Difference Between Political Parties and Pressure Groups
Differences Between Political Parties and Pressure Groups
Pressure Groups and Political Parties (Our Views)
The central objective of a pressure group is to influence government policies in favour...
Public Opinion | Definition, Features & Opinion Poll
Public Opinion is a barometer by which public office holders measure public response to their action or inaction. A democratic government cannot therefore afford to ignore public opinion unless it is living in a fool’s paradise. But what is public opinion may be no more than the views, of a vocal few or of the promoters of media outfits.
Functions of Pressure Groups
Characteristics and Functions of Pressure Groups
A Pressure Group can be defined as an organized group that seeks to influence government policies. Pressure groups are...
Pressure Groups – 11 Advantages & Disadvantages
Pressure Groups - Advantages and Disadvantages
A pressure group is an organized group, which influences government decisions socially or economically without necessarily entering into election...
Constitution | Definition, Types, Functions & Principles
Constitution - Definition, Principles, Sources, Types and Scope of Constitution
Definition of Constitution
A constitution may be defined as a set of rules, which establishes the...
Electoral System | Definition, Features and Types
The electoral system is central to the development and sustenance of democracy and democratic institutions in the state. Without a good electoral system, the people will ultimately lose confidence in the political system and its capacity to generate and process demand from the environment.
Restricted Suffrage | Definition, Pros & Cons
Restricted Suffrage or Limited Franchise means that the right to vote is restricted only to male adults or people who possess certain special qualifications. During the apartheid era in South Africa, for example, the right to vote was granted only to the White (Afrikaner). The black people who constituted the majority of the population were disenfranchised.
Electoral Malpractices | Definition, Forms, Causes & Effects
Malpractice means bad or improper behaviour. Failure to carry out a duty as expected may also be considered a malpractice. Therefore, electoral malpractice is the manifestation of all forms of electoral misconducts, capable of derailing the electoral process.
Second Ballot System | Definition, Features, Pros & Cons
Second ballot voting system or Two round system is an election which holds if the first election is unable to produce a decisive winner or a winer with absolute majority.
Nationalist Movement And The Decolonization Of Africa
Nationalist Movement And The Decolonization In Africa | Nationalism is could mean a certain form of unity which grows out of historical experience. It is the sense of oneness that emerges from social groups, trying to control their interest against competing groups. It can also mean a strong emotional awareness of belonging to a nation-state held in bondage by foreign dominations which leads to the struggle against such foreign rule and domination.
Apartheid in South Africa
The establishment of an autocratic status of the white minority rule has been the bane of South African apartheid system. This system allowed the white minority, irrespective of religion, origin, or accomplishment, an immeasurable access to assets of the Nation; while non-white (blacks) were denied the same opportunities and privileges.
Democracy: Definition, Features, Types, Pros & Cons
Democracy means different things to different people. A former American president, Abraham Lincoln from 1861 to 1865 give democracy its arguably most popular meaning when he defined it as "government of the people, by the people, and for the people".
Republican Government – Definition, Features & Examples
A Republican Government or Republicanism is a form of government in which sovereign of the state is headed by a president, directly or indirectly elected by the people for a fixed term of office.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Democracy
Democracy signifies a government set up by the whole people, run and directed by the whole people for the benefit of the whole people. Democracy has succeeded and failed woefully in many countries and it is perhaps the most practice form of government today. Yet, it has been successful and failed largely because of the reasons...
Why Do People Participate in Politics? | 9 Reason
Political participation is the involvement of the people in political activities. It is a process by which the government engaged the people in decision-making or solicit their views on matters that affect them.
Agents of Political Socialization
The agencies of political socialization are the means by which the beliefs, values, and attitudes of the people are shaped from time to time. There are primary and secondary agencies of socialization. The primary agencies are the family and school. On the other hand, socialization is only and incidental function of the secondary agencies such as the workplace, church, mosque, Social Club, etc.