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The Legislature | Definition | Functions | Types

Legislature is the organ of government charged with the responsibility of making laws as well as policy formulation. Despite the importance of this governmental institution, it remains the arm of government that is most hit and undermined by political instability.

Structure of the Judiciary in a State

Structure of the Judiciary | Organs of Government The structure of the judiciary varies from country to country. Written constitutions usually contain provisions which provide...

Bicameral Legislature | Definition, Merits & Demerits

Bicameral Legislature is defined as a process or act of carrying out legislative functions by the two chambers in a state. There are the lower chamber and the upper chamber. Britain and the United States of America provide classical examples of bicameralism.

Procedure For Making Public Bills | How a Bill Becomes a Law?

How Bills Become Law? | A public bill goes through three stages, namely, the first reading, second reading and third reading before it becomes an Act of Parliament or a law.

Party Systems | Types, Explanations, Pros & Cons

The behaviour of political parties is determined by the kind of party systems in existence. Where the party system is competitive, the parties will likely be engaged in continual political activities. But where there is no inter-party competition, as in one-party states, the political party will be primarily engaged in the practice and justification of political authority.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Single Party System

Advantages and Disadvantages of Single Party System | One Party State One-Party or Single Party System Single Party System or One Party State may be defined as...

Features of One-Party State

Single party system or One Party State may be defined as one in which only one legal and legitimate political party is constitutionally recognised in the country. No other party is recognised and can therefore not exist. The main features of one party state may be summarized as follows;

Achievements of Military Rule In Nigeria

The military could be credited with some achievements during the period of military rule. The intervention of the military in Nigerian politics saved the country from total disintegration on several occasions. A case in point the failure of the civilian government to resolve the Western Region crises in 1965. The military coup of 15th January, 1966 might have saved Nigeria from the apparent incompetence of the political class.

Great Nigerian People’s Party (GNPP)

The Great Nigerian People’s Party (GNPP) was formed towards the end of 1978 by a splinter group which broke away from the NPP following the entry of Dr. Azikiwe into the presidential race on the platform of the NPP in 1978. The GNPP was led by Alhaji Waziri Ibrahim; a former NPC stalwart With a liberal orientation who himself had presidential ambition. The party was therefore fashioned to achieve this objective.

Mass Party | Definition, Features & Examples

A mass party is any political Institutions, which attempts to unite all the elements of the society in its demand for power. It seeks to broaden its support among the citizens by bringing into its fold farmers, workers, traders, students, workers and the employers (bourgeoisie).

The State – Definition, Features, Concept & Examples

To many students of Government, the state is esoteric, or at best abstract. It is seen as something hanging in the air with no relevance to the needs and aspirations of the people.

Government As An Institution Of The State

Government as an institution of the state may be defined as a machinery established by the state to organize the state, manage it’s affairs and administer it’s functions and duties. It is also seen as a machinery through which the will of the state is formulated, expressed and realised.

Features of 1989 Constitution In Nigeria

Features of the Third Republican – 1989 Constitution of Federal Republic of Nigeria

Merits & Demerits of Indirect Rule

Indirect Rule system was less expensive because the colonial masters used the machinery of traditional rulers to run the affairs of government.

Features Of French Policy Of Assimilation

Policy of Assimilation - This system worked out well due to the cooperation of the traditional chiefs. The traditional chiefs claimed that since their cultures and traditions were not tampered with, they had no problem dealing with the British officials, but this was to some extent.

Government & Politics (Study Guides)

Government‍ and Politics - Study Guides This page was created in the midst to help our visitor in finding their most wanted topics at ease.....

Constitutionalism: Definition, Concepts & Features

Constitutionalism, therefore represents a strict adherence to the provisions of a constitution by both the rulers and the ruled. It emphasizes that the constitution is superior to any other power in the political system.

Confederal Constitution | Definition, Features, Pros & Cons

Confederal Constitution - Definition, Features, Advantages and Disadvantages A confederal constitution provides for a union of states with a very weak and almost powerless central...

Unitary Constitution | Definition, Features, Merits & Demerits

Unitary Constitution – Definition, Features, Advantages and Disadvantages Definition of Unitary Constitution In a unitary constitution, all political powers goes to the central and concentrated in...

Federal Constitution | Definition, Features, Pros & Cons

Federal Constitution - Definition, Features, Advantages and Disadvantages Definition of Federal Constitution A federal constitution is one which divides and apportions political Powers the different tiers...