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Tax: Definition, Features, Types, Pros & Cons of Taxes

Tax: Definition, Features, Types, Pros & Cons of Taxes

A tax is a compulsory payment made by citizens and corporate bodies to the government to enable it carry out its responsibilities. Examples include income and property tax.
National Income: Definition, Uses & Limitations

National Income: Definition, Uses, Problems & Limitations

National income is the monetary value of all goods and services produced in a country in a year or the totality of income accruable to all factors of production employed in producing goods and services in the year in the country such as wages, salaries, rents, interests and profits. It is equal to NNP - Indirect Business Taxes.
Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) – Features, Aims & Objectives

Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) – Features, Aims & Objectives

The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa is the continental organ that is responsible for the coordination of the developmental activities and efforts of the African countries under the agencies of the United Nations.
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) | Aims & Objectives

The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) | Aims & Objectives

The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) agreement was signed in Geneva, Switzerland in 1947 with the following basic principles:
Methods of Economic Analysis : Positive & Normative Reasoning

Methods of Economic Analysis : Positive & Normative Reasoning

Economic analysis is both theoretical and empirical. Both theoretical and empirical analyses use three types of languages which are verbal, statistical and mathematical.
Measures of Dispersion: Definition, Types, Pros & Cons

Measures of Dispersion: Definition, Types, Pros & Cons

Measures of dispersion or spread give us some idea of how the values of a distribution cluster around the average and to what extent the observations differ from the mean. The three main measures of dispersion of a distribution are the range, the variance and the standard deviation.
Why Economics is a Science? Meaning & Definition

Why Economics is a Science? Meaning & Definition

Why Economics is a Science? | Economics is called a science subject because it uses scientific measures to explain, observed phenomena and predict the outcome of future events. This scientific method of observation is generally referred to as inductive method.
E-Government – Definition, Problems & Benefits of Electronic Government

E-Government – Definition, Problems & Benefits of Electronic Government

E-government is the use of the internet and the world wide web for delivering government information. The focus of e-government should be on the use of information and communication technologies for better government.
Why Study Economics?

Why Study Economics?

Why Study Economics? - The study of economics assists individuals to be independent and be practical individuals. This is possible through the application of practical approaches to emerging issues and providing solutions to deny problems.
Africa as the Centrepiece of Nigeria Foreign Policy | Meaning, Principles & Implications

Africa as the Centrepiece of Nigeria Foreign Policy | Meaning, Principles & Implications

Africa as the “centrepiece” of Nigeria’s foreign policy means that Africa is the focus of Nigeria’s foreign policy. In other words, this policy orientation implies that the country places a high premium on issues relating to African affairs in her foreign policy.
Globalization: Definition, Features, Merits & Demerits

Globalization: Definition, Features, Merits & Demerits

Globalization is a phenomenon based on the continuous increase in the interconnection between the different nations of the world on the economic, political, social and technological levels. The use of this term has been used since the 80s. That is, since technological advances have facilitated and accelerated international commercial and financial transactions. And for this reason, the phenomenon has as many defenders - such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) or the World Bank - as detractors.
Nigeria Civil War (1967 – 70) – Causes & Effects

Nigeria Civil War (1967 – 70) – Causes & Effects

The mid 1960s was a watershed in the political history of Nigeria as the country had to contend with several grave political crises. One of those political crises that almost led to the disintegration of the country was the civil war which began on 6th July, 1967 and formally ended on 15th January, 1970.
Problem of Federalism in Nigeria

Problem of Federalism in Nigeria

The Nigerian federalism faces certain difficult problems including those related to census, revenue allocation, religious and inter-ethnic conflicts, allocation of public offices and the unequal distribution of wealth between different regions and between classes.
Relationship Between the Three Tiers of Government in Nigeria

Relationship Between the Three Tiers of Government in Nigeria

In a federation, powers are usually shared between two levels of government, namely, the central and state or regional governments. In theory, the twp levels of government are equal and coordinate in their respective spheres of influence.
Fair Value – Definition, Features & Calculations

Fair Value – Definition, Features & Calculations

The fair value is for which a financial asset can be bought or a financial liability settled on a specific date between two parties (buyer and seller) who are independent from each other and are experts in the field and who know how to act freely and prudently under conditions. market.
Intrinsic Value of an Option

Intrinsic Value of an Option: Definition, Formulation & Examples

The intrinsic value of an option is the difference between the price of the underlying asset in the market and the exercise price. Intrinsic value is always positive. When the difference between the price of the underlying asset and the strike price is negative, the intrinsic value equals 0. At expiration, the intrinsic value is the value of the option.
Problems of Revenue Allocation in Nigeria | Reasons & Commission

Problems of Revenue Allocation in Nigeria | Reasons & Commission

Revenue allocation refers to the distribution of national resources between different levels of government, especially in a federation. A federation consists of strong and weak states, rich and poor states and large and small states.
Separation of Powers: History, Meaning & Definition

Separation of Powers: History, Meaning & Definition

Montesquieu defines separation of powers as a system of government by which the legislature, executive, and judiciary are each separate in terms of functions and personnel. He warned that under no circumstance should any two or more functions be performed by one person or body of persons since such a practice will eliminate the liberty of the citizens and thereby encourage tyranny.
Quota System in Nigeria | Definition, Structure & Reasons

Quota System in Nigeria | Definition, Structure & Reasons

Quota system is a much abused and vilified instrument of social engineering in Nigeria. It is a principle of representativeness which states that every region or state of the country should be represented in the public bureaucracy of the federal government in proportion to its size or population.
Intrinsic Value: Definition & Calculation

Intrinsic Value: Definition & Calculation

The intrinsic value, theoretical price or fundamental value of an asset, is the value that is obtained taking into account all the components that surround an asset, including tangible and intangible elements. It is also sometimes known as real value.