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Fundamental Human Rights: Definition & Types

Fundamental Human Rights: Definition & Types

A fundamental human right is a privilege or prerogative conferred by law upon a person. It is expressed in the constitution or law of the state. Fundamental human rights remain rights as long as the state has power to protect them. Talking about fundamental rights in a war-tom country like Somalia, for example, is obviously an exercise in futility.
Limitations to Fundamental Human Rights

Limitations to Fundamental Human Rights

Limitations To Fundamental Human Rights Fundamental human rights can be referred to as those inalienable (natural) rights, and privileges enjoyed by the citizens of a given...
Fundamental Human Rights of Nigeria Citizens

Fundamental Human Rights of Nigeria Citizens

In 1948, the United Nations Organization (UNO) adopted a convention known as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Many of the rights enshrined in the United Nations Declaration are incorporated in the constitutions of UNO member countries. Nigeria is not an exception.
Ways of Protecting Fundamental Human Rights

Ways of Protecting Fundamental Human Rights

Means / Ways Of Protecting Fundamental Human Rights Fundamental human right can be referred to as those inalienable (natural) rights, and privileges enjoyed by the citizens of a given state, which are...
Features of a Democratic Government

Features of a Democratic Government

Democratic Government | Democracy is a form of government in which citizen participation is encouraged, through a series of legitimate mechanisms, so that they can make political, economic, social and cultural decisions. Democracy is a system of government that respects human rights, freedom of expression, and equal opportunities. It also seeks to be a fair system and ensure the general welfare of society.

Merits and Demerits of Independence 1960 Constitution In Nigeria

The Nigerian Independence 1960 Constitution advantages are; Independence of the country with Bi-cameral Legislature, Provisions for the Fundamental human rights of citizens...

Merits and Demerits of 1963 Republican Constitution In Nigeria

The 1963 Republican Constitution in Nigeria first republic has the following advantages and disadvantages. An elected president, Supreme Court as the final court of appeal, Fundamental human rights, Power of judicial review, Political participation, Free from external (British) interference
How To Create A Birthday Fundraiser On Facebook

How To Create A Birthday Fundraiser On Facebook

Birthday Fundraiser on Facebook is a feature that allows users to dedicate their birthday to a charitable cause. Instead of asking for gifts, they...
ECOWAS: Features, Structure, Objective & Merits

ECOWAS: Features, Structure, Objective & Merits

The ground work for the formation of ECOWAS can be traced to the efforts of the heads of States of Nigeria and Togo in 1972. They had a series of meetings and sent draft proposals to other heads of States of West African countries.
Difference Between Capitalism and Socialism

Difference Between Capitalism and Socialism

Capitalism may be defined as an economic system in which all or most means of production are owned and controlled by private individuals and in which the economic activity of the government is at a minimum while Socialism is an economic system where the state takes the major economic decisions through detailed planning. Countries that adopt this system do not believe in the efficacy of market forces.
United Nations (UN) | History,

United Nations (UN) | History, Features, Members, Organs, Aims & Objectives

The United Nations or UN, also called the United Nations Organization (UNO), is the largest and most important international organization on the planet. Most of the world's recognized nations ascribe to it.
Nigeria Niger Delta Crisis | History, Causes & Effects

Nigeria Niger Delta Crisis | History, Causes & Effects

The Niger Delta refers to the area around the southern tributaries of River Niger and includes states such as Bayelsa, Rivers, Delta, Cross River, Akwa Ibom and parts of Edo and Ondo states. The area is largely in habited by small ethnic groups, and this in itself creates problems of its own and promotes divisiveness and inter-group rivalries.
Kritarchy: Definition & Features of Kritocracy

Kritarchy: Definition & Features of Kritocracy

The concept of ‘kritarchy‘ emanated from the Greek words: 'krités' meaning judge and 'arche' meaning principle. The concept was formally coined by the English author Roben Southey in 1844. Kritarchy is a form of political system where all panics enjoy equal justice.
Basic Principles of Government

Basic Principles of Government – Meaning & Definition

Principles of government are basic truths or laws, which guide the study and practice of politics and government. They are developed by political theorists and writers based on their experience or observation of the political process but these principles have come, to be accepted over the years by scholars and practitioners alike as indispensable and essential to understanding political phenomena.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Capitalism

Advantages and Disadvantages of Capitalism

Capitalism is an economic system that is based on private ownership of the means of production, as well as on the principle of free market, whose objective is the accumulation of capital. The word is formed from the union between the noun capital, which in this context means 'set of economic goods', and the Greek suffix ism, which means system.
Autocracy | Definition, Features, Merits & Demerits

Autocracy | Definition, Features, Merits & Demerits

An autocracy is a government under the control of one person who usually achieved his position by force. It is a government of an absolute ruler. The autocratic state is a form of despotic or tyrannical rule. The autocratic state is also sometimes called the authoritarian state. it represents an attempt by the ruling classes to perpetuate their domination.
Problems of the Application of the Rule of Law

Problems of the Application of the Rule of Law

Problems of the Rule of Law The rule of law is defined as the supremacy of law over everybody in a political system. Rule of...
Political Liberty: Meaning, Definition & Examples

Political Liberty: Meaning, Definition & Examples

Political Liberty is the right of an individual to share in the government of his country. The state recognises political right, especially as most of these rights are entrenched in the constitution.
Checks and Balances – Definition, Merits & Demerits

Checks and Balances – Definition, Merits & Demerits

The principle of checks and balances means that each organ of government should exercise control over the other. The objective is to ensure that no organ of government dominates another.

The Executive | Definition | Functions | Types of Executive

The executive is the branch of government which carries out the will of the state. It enforces the laws made by the legislature and carries out court decisions and also takes action on matters which are not covered by the law.