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MM VS Inch - Which is Greater, a MM or Inch?

MM VS Inch – Which is Greater, a MM or Inch?

MM VS Inch - Measurement units are standardized quantities used to express and compare the size, length, area, volume, or amount of a given...
Nigeria’s Non-Alignment Policy

Nigeria’s Non-Alignment Policy | Meaning, History & Origin

Nigeria became a member of the Non-Aligned Movement at the independence in 1960. The tone for Nigeria’s non-alignment policy was laid by Prime Minister Abubakar Tafawa Balewa in a speech he made at the House of Representatives on 7th October 1960, six days after Nigeria’s independence.

The Prime Minister and Cabinet in a Parliamentary Government

In a parliamentary system, a clear distinction is made between the head of  state and the head of government (Prime Minister), a executive and the executive. Here, the head of the state, King or Queen in Britain or President in India, possesses nominal or titular authority whereas the real authority rests with the government of which the Prime Minister is the head.

Parliamentary Government: Definition, Types, Examples, Pros & Cons

The Cabinet or parliamentary system of government is an executive based on parliamentary majority. It is sometimes known as party government. It is the leader of the party that wins the largest majority in parliament in a general election that is called upon to form a government. He becomes the Prime Minister if he is able to form a government.

The Nigerian 1963 Republican Constitution

The 1963 Republican Constitution came into effect on 1st October, 1963. This constitution and other subsequent post-independence constitutions are distinguishable from the previous ones by the fact that they are drafted by Nigerians for Nigerians.

Sani Abacha Military Government In Nigeria (1993 – 1998)

The Interim National Government was sacked by General Sani Abacha on 17th November, 1993 and, as expected, General Abacha Sanni quickly installed himself as the new Head of State.

Functions of Government

The functions and Powers of a government are usually defined by the constitution of the state. The basic functions of government are as follows - Maintenance of Law And Order, Making and Enforcing Law

Government As An Institution Of The State

Government as an institution of the state may be defined as a machinery established by the state to organize the state, manage it’s affairs and administer it’s functions and duties. It is also seen as a machinery through which the will of the state is formulated, expressed and realised.

Northern People’s Congress (NPC)

The Northern People’s Congress (NPC) was the first major political party in Northern Nigeria. It began as Jamiyar Mutanen Arewa (JMA) in 1948. The party was formally launched in October 1951.

Positive and Negative Effects Of Colonial Rule In West Africa

Effects of Colonial Rule - Colonialism is an imposition of a more developed culture over a less developed one, backed up by expansionist and economic adventurism. European capitalist countries established political, economic, military...
Limitations of Sovereignty | 6 Demerits of Sovereignty

Limitations of Sovereignty | 6 Demerits of Sovereignty

Limitations of Sovereignty - The idea of sovereignty of the state exists more affection than in reality. The fact is that no state, regardless of its powers, can do whatever it likes because its sovereignty is limited in many ways.
Government as an Academic Field of Study

Government as an Academic Field of Study

Government as an academic field of study is a subject which is studied in our high schools. It is also a social science discipline, which is offered in the university's although it bears different names such as Political Science or Political Studies or Politics in these institutions.

Military Rule In Nigeria Politics (1966 – 1999)

Military Rule In Nigeria - In the early hours of January 15, 1966, Nigeria witnessed the first military coup led by Major Chukwuma Nzeogwu and other majors in the army. It was a bloody military intervention in the political history of Nigeria.