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Limitations to the Application of Rule of Law

Limitations to the Application of Rule of Law

Limitations to the Application of Rule of Law The rule of law is defined as the supremacy of law over everybody in a political system....
Political Liberty: Meaning, Definition & Examples

Political Liberty: Meaning, Definition & Examples

Political Liberty is the right of an individual to share in the government of his country. The state recognises political right, especially as most of these rights are entrenched in the constitution.
Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA)

Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA)

The Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) is a collective association created in Europe that allows companies, individuals and public bodies to make payments in euros without using cash. These payments can be made using a single bank account for payment transactions in different part of Europe within the SEPA zone.

Difference Between Responsible and Representative Government

The difference between representative government and responsible governments depends on the nature of the legislature and the relationship between it and the executive. If the legislature is elected by the people, the system of government is representative and this is the ordinary system in all democracies, except in one-party states. In one party states where there is only one officially-recognized political party, there is no real choice between candidates and programmes.

Difference Between Unitary and Federal System of Government

Unitary system of government may be described as a government organized under a single central government. A Federal system of government is one in which sovereignty is not confined exclusively to either the central government or the component units, but rather, is divided between them.

Unitary System of Government | Definition | Features | Pros & Cons

Unitary System of Government | The word ‘unitary’ is an adjective derived from the term ‘unit’, which means one. A unitary government is therefore a form of government with one legally recognized government. There is a single central government, which derives its powers from a unitary constitution.

Federal Character Principle | Definition | Politics | Federalism

Federal character is nothing but an official term for ethnic, religious and regional balance in resource allocation, ministerial and other key appointments in government and enrolment of students in schools.

Advantage and Disadvantage of Confederal System of Government

Confederation / Confederal system of government is the type of government in which sovereign states come together as autonomous bodies to form a loose political union in which the central government is subordinate to the components governments.

Presidential System of Government | Definition | Features | Pros & Cons

The presidential system of government is a type of government in which most executive powers are vested in the President who is the chief executive (Head of State and Head of Government). The system was originally derived from the British monarchs of the 18th century who were very powerful.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Presidential System of Government

Presidential system of government is a form of government where there is a separation of functions between the executive organ and legislative organ of government. In this system, all the three arms of government are independent of one another.

Limitations on the Powers of the Executive in a Presidential Government

The presidential system of government is based on separation of power where the Executive is separated from the Legislature. It can also be regarded as a system where executive powers are invested in one person called the president and in which the Executive arm of government is separated from the Legislature but equal to it.

Functions of the Opposition Party in a Parliamentary Government

The existence of opposition party in a cabinet system of government is legal and officially recognised. It is the party that has the second highest number of seats in the parliament. However, it has the following as its functions:

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cabinet System of Government

Parliamentary or Cabinet system is defined as a system of government in which the head of state is distinct from the head of government. Both offices and functions attached to them are in the hands of two individuals, unlike the presidential system where the two offices (head of state and government) are fused.

Plea Bargain: Definition, Merits & Demerits

Plea Bargain is the process whereby the accused and the prosecutor in a criminal case work out a mutually satisfactory disposition of the case subject to court approved.

Structure of the Judiciary in a State

Structure of the Judiciary | Organs of Government The structure of the judiciary varies from country to country. Written constitutions usually contain provisions which provide...

Bills | Definition | Politics | Types of Bill | Law & Parliament

A bill is not a law until it is signed into law by the executive. It is a proposal of action discussed in the parliament and later signed to become a law by the President.

Types of Legislature | Typology of Legislative Arms of Government

Types of Legislature | This type of legislatures enjoy considerable power to formulate polices without being challenged by the executive. Again, the executive always considers necessary the need to sample the opinion of the legislature before she brings any bill or legislation proposal to the parliament.

Bicameral Legislature | Definition, Merits & Demerits

Bicameral Legislature is defined as a process or act of carrying out legislative functions by the two chambers in a state. There are the lower chamber and the upper chamber. Britain and the United States of America provide classical examples of bicameralism.

Differences Between Unicameral and Bicameral Legislature

Differences Between Unicameral and Bicameral Legislature | Bicameralism is defined as a process or act of carrying out legislative functions by the two chambers in a country while Uni-cameralism is the existence of a single legislative body in a state. Hence, in a unicameral state, legislative functions are performed by only one chamber, with members directly elected by the electorate.

Powers and Functions of the Legislature

The Legislature is the organ of government responsible for law making. The legislature makes laws which are to be obeyed by everybody. The legislature also maintains control over the policy and administrative actions of the executive and acts as a forum for airing public opinions.