Features of Totalitarian System of Government

Features of Totalitarian System of Government Totalitarian is defined as a form of government in which the state has absolute control of everything, including all aspects of the citizens life. In this form of government, law is seen as a product of the will of the rulers. They alone have the...


Tiwanaku: History, Religion, Economy & Civilization

Tiahuanaco Civilization: Tiwanaku History Tiwanaku (Tiahuanaco or Tiahuanacu: Spanish) - Civilization that developed on the shores of Lake Titikaka, between the year 500 and 1000 BC. Data Date 500 BC. - 1000 BC Location Bolivian plateau, margins of Lake Titikaka Form of Government Theocracy Religion Polytheism Economy Agricultural production and trade What was the Tiwanaku (Tiahuanaco)? Tiahuanaco was a civilization that had its...


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