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Government & Politics (Study Guides)

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Forms of Government | Types & Definition

Forms of Government | Types & Definition

There are different types and forms of government. However, the form of government been adopted by a country depends to a great extent on the customs, beliefs, history, law and institutions of the state, and the type of people controlling the government. The form of government being operated by a state will also vary with a particular functions of the people and rulers of a state which a government do undertake.

Republican Government – Definition, Features & Examples

A Republican Government or Republicanism is a form of government in which sovereign of the state is headed by a president, directly or indirectly elected by the people for a fixed term of office.
Government as an Academic Field of Study

Government as an Academic Field of Study

Government as an academic field of study is a subject which is studied in our high schools. It is also a social science discipline, which is offered in the university's although it bears different names such as Political Science or Political Studies or Politics in these institutions.
Society – Definition, Characteristics & Examples

Society – Definition, Features & Examples (Government)

Any discussion of the state and government is incomplete without a clarification of the meaning of the term 'society'. Sociologically, a society consist of all the people who share a distinct and continuing way of life and think of themselves as one united people.  It is a group of people with common interest.
Features of Totalitarian System of Government

Features of Totalitarian System of Government

Features of Totalitarian System of Government Totalitarian is defined as a form of government in which the state has absolute control of everything, including all aspects...

Local Governments Sources of Revenue

Sources of Revenue for Local Governments || In order to perform their statutory functions, local governments need financial resources. They get their money from several sources but the most important are government grants and locally-imposed taxes, two sources which constitute about 80 percent of their total revenue.

Checks and Balances: Presidential System of Government

Indeed, it is a fiction to talk of separation of powers in a presidential system as the three branches of government interact with one another in diverse ways in order to ensure the smooth operation of government. Such instances of cooperation or balancing acts are ironically examples of checks and balances.

Difference Between Local Government and Local Administration

The terms local government and local administration are sometimes used interchangeably, but they mean different things. A local government is a government at the local level established by law to exercise specific powers within defined areas while Local administration is the governing of a local area by local agents who are appointed by, and responsible to, the central (state) government.

Individual Responsibility In Cabinet System of Government

Individual Responsibility In Parliamentary Cabinet System of Government The principle of individual responsibility simply means that a minister takes full responsibility for any act done...

Features of Cabinet System of Government

The parliamentary system or cabinet system of government is where the Head of State is different from the Head of Government. That is, there are two persons running the affairs of the state. In this system of government, the Head of State is distinct from the Head of Government. | In a cabinet system of government, both the prime minister and his cabinet are selected from the parliament, and they are thus responsible and accountable to parliament in the performance of their functions. That is, they are individually and collectively responsible to parliament.

Features of Confederal System of Government

A con-federal state or confederal system of government could be regarded as a loosed federation where ultimate power resides in state forming the alliances. It could also be regarded as a political arrangement in which autonomous reserved exclusively for the component states with a weak centre.

Confederal System of Government | Definition | Features | Pros & Cons

A confederal government is a form of government in which power is concentrated in the state or regional governments. This implies that the member-states of a confederation are more powerful than the central government. In any political system where the states are sovereign, the result is a confederation.

Features of Representative Government

Representative government, also known as indirect democracy, is defined as a government of elected representatives of the people. Those elected, through organised elections, rule on behalf of the people and with every assurance that their interests will be enhanced and protected.

Types of Local Government

Types of Local Government || Local government are created through a document called ‘lnstrument’. They are created like corporate bodies because they had legal existence. They could sue and be sued. There are four different types of local government, and these are now explained in turn.
Democracy Form of Government: Examples &

Democratic Form of Government: Examples & Types

Democratic Form of Government Democratic Government: Form of organization where society has a majority stake. Definition of Democracy? Democracy is a form of political and social organization...

Advantage and Disadvantage of Representative Government

Representative government refers to a government where the people participate in choosing through periodic, free and fair elections, those that would govern them. It is a democratic government in which the citizens elect representatives who act as their agents in law making and implementation.

Difference Between Parliamentary and Presidential System of Government

A presidential government is one in which there is an executive president,  with all executive powers and who combines the office of the of state and head of government while a parliamentary system of government, a clear distinction is made between the head of the state and the head of government. Here, the head of the state. King or Queen in Britain or President in India possesses nominal or titular authority whereas the real authority rests with the government of which the Prime Minister is the head.

Features of the Presidential System of Government

In a presidential system of government, the President is both the ceremonial and executive head of state. That is, the president combines the offices of Head of State and Head of Government at the same time. In this regard, the President performs a number of functions. In particular, he enforces all laws, serves as the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, appoints important political office holders and grants pardon and mercy to offenders.
Public Accountability in Government

Public Accountability in Government

Accountability is also an act by which public officials render a good account of their activities while in office. It is aimed at achieving transparency and openness in public business. Accountability here also means responsibility in government. A responsible government is therefore a government, which is accountable to the people.