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Venezuelan War of Independence | History of Venezuela Day

Venezuelan War of Independence | History of Venezuela Day

The Independence of Venezuela was a political process that took place between 1810 and 1830, through which the Captaincy General of Venezuela achieved its emancipation from the Spanish Crown. The independence process began in 1810 with conspiracies headed by Creole merchants and landowners, who wanted to put an end to the commercial monopoly and the abuses of colonial officials.
Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great: Biography, History, Power & Death

Alexander the Great: Biography, History, Empire, Power & Death Alexander the Great - King of Macedonia and commander of the Corinthian League. Data Birth 356 BC. Pela, Macedonia. Death 323...

Differences Between Growth and Development

The growth is an increase or increased somewhat and development indicates a transformation or evolution. In general, development is the result of sustained growth, which can lead to confusion between the two terms; however, there may be growth without associated development.
Why Nigeria Adopted Federalism System of Government

Reasons for the Adoption of Federalism in Nigeria

A federalism system of government is a government in which there is division of powers between the Central Government and the governments of the component units and each level of government is independent within its own sphere.

Independence of the Judiciary

An independent judiciary is one which is free from the interference of the other two arms of government, the executive and legislature. Judges should be free when interpreting the law of the land, they should work without fear or favour.

Nigeria – Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC)

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) is the body charged with the conduct of national elections under the 1999 Constitution. It was known as Federal Electoral Commission (FEDECO) and National Electoral Commission (NEC) under the 1979 and 1989 constitutions respectively.

Merits & Demerits Of 1979 Constitution | 2nd Republic

The 1979 constitution "2nd republican constitutions" of the federal republic of Nigeria had the following advantages and disadvantages.

National Defence Council (Nigeria)

The Nigerian National Defence Council (NDC) | Functions The significance of the National Defence Council is underlined by the act that the President is its...
Application of the Rule of Law (Meaning & Definition)

Application of the Rule of Law (Meaning & Definition)

The rule of law is defined as the supremacy of law over everybody in a political system. Rule of law is seen as a provision made by the constitution with emphasis on supremacy of the law, equality before the law and the presence or inclusion of the principle of individual rights.

Powers and Functions of the Judiciary

Powers and Functions of the Judiciary | Branch of Government The judiciary constitutes the arm of government that interprets the law of the state and...

Limitations on the Exercise of Judicial Powers

There are several limitations on the powers of the judiciary. The most important restrictions on the powers of judicial officers include the following: Precedents, Political and Social Pressures, Professional Rules and Ethics, Enactment of New Laws, Amendment of Constitution, Executive Control and Collapse of Social Values.

Difference Between Centralisation and Decentralisation

The principles of centralization and decentralization are more or less two sides of the same coin. While centralization holds that it is possible to improve administrative effectiveness by concentrating decision-making in one coordinating body, decentralization, on the other hand, states that decision-making can only be enhanced by delegating decision-making to lower level governments of subordinate units.
Direct Democracy

Direct Democracy: Definition, Features, Pros & Cons

Direct Democracy Direct Democracy - Form of government in which each individual is part of decision-making. Definition of Direct Democracy The democracy directly or pure democracy is a...