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Differences Between Power and Authority

The difference between power and authority is that power is a capacity and authority is a skill. In this sense, power can be acquired, while authority depends on a person's ability to influence others. Power is the ability to subordinate other people or to dominate a situation. Authority is the ability to influence others without the need for them to be subordinate.
Difference Between Hardware and Software

Difference Between Hardware and Software

The hardware is the structure that gives physical support to the computer while the software is the operational support. Together, hardware and software are essential elements for the operation of the computer and other electronic devices.
Difference Between Input and Output Device

Difference Between Input and Output Device

The input and output devices or input / output units are the physical equipment connected to the computer. These devices allow information to be communicated between the user and the computer or to handle an information medium.
Difference Between Flora and Fauna

Difference Between Flora and Fauna

Flora refers to plant species, while fauna is the term used to categorize animals. Although flora and fauna exist in almost the entire world, each set of plant and animal species responds to specific characteristics according to the geographical and climatic conditions of the region in which they develop, therefore, they are organisms that have evolved and adapted to their environment.
Difference Between Biotic and Abiotic Factors

Difference Between Biotic and Abiotic Factors

Biotic factors are all the plants, animals, fungi, protozoa and bacteria that in one way or another interact in a given physical space while Inert or abiotic factors are the conditions of light, temperature, minerals, soil and water, among others, found in a physical space that determine the existence of living beings.
Differences Between Autocracy, Oligocracy and Democracy

Differences Between Autocracy, Oligocracy and Democracy

Even so, within this huge political conglomerate, all of them are born from the most basic differentiation into three political systems: autocracy, oligocracy or oligarchy, and democracy. Since the time of Aristotle, these are the three main forms of government. 
Difference Between a Robbery and a Theft

Difference Between a Robbery and a Theft

The difference between the two figures is very simple. Theft consists of the stealing of someone else's property without using violence, force or intimidation while robbery consists of appropriating the property of others using force (forcing or breaking doors, windows or any other means of access), violence (physical) or intimidation (verbal or gestural).
Difference Between Dictatorship and Autocracy

Difference Between Dictatorship and Autocracy

Dictatorship is a system in which a single person rules the entire nation. Dictatorship is very similar to autocracy, since the reins of power remain in the hands of an individual. The power of this individual is unlimited and uncontrolled. You are not accountable to anyone and none of your actions are subject to legal review.
Difference Between Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism

Difference Between Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism

Differences between Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism Authoritarianism is described as a form of government characterized by an emphasis on the authority of the state in a...
Difference Between Democracy and Oligarchy

Difference Between Democracy and Oligarchy

Differences Between Democracy and Oligarchy Over time, civilizations were responsible for creating different forms of government. In the contemporary world, especially with regard to the...
Difference Between Monarchy and Republic

Difference Between Monarchy and Republic

Both the monarchy and the republic are systems of government. However, the republic is opposed to the monarchy in the way of governing. In the monarchy, the head of state remains in power for life, or even abdicates. In the republic, the head of state is democratically elected for a certain period of time. In a monarchy, with the exception of elective monarchies, which are not so common today, heredity is an important factor. In the regime, the sons of monarchs are their successors. In the republic, new heads of state are elected by the people after a term that usually lasts about four or five years.
Difference Between Socialism and Communism

Difference Between Socialism and Communism

While it is true that the theoretical and ideological origin of the socialist and communist tendencies is common, there is a significant difference between socialism and communism from the economic, political and sociological point of view. Communism is commonly understood to be the last phase of socialist theory. Over the years and the appearance of new socio-political and economic models, both ideological tendencies have diverged. Mostly thanks to new mixed perspectives and coexistence with the capitalist and free market model.
Difference Between Communism and Capitalism

Difference Between Communism and Capitalism

Communism is a political and socio-economic ideology based on the abolition of private property and social classes. Capitalism, on the other hand, refers to a socio-economic system based on the right to private ownership of the means of production and free trade in goods and products.

Difference Between Bourgeoisie and Proletariat

Bourgeoisie is understood as the ruling class, owner of the means of production, raw materials and holders of financial capital. The proletariat, on the other hand, represents the working class, which only owns its own labor force. This distinction is made on the basis of Marxist doctrine. For Karl Marx, throughout history, humanity developed from the antagonism between a ruling class and a class of individuals exploited by it. This he called the class struggle.
Difference Between Communism and Anarchism

Difference Between Communism and Anarchism

Communism and anarchism differ in the way of achieving an egalitarian society based on the absence of the State, on free association between people and on the extinction of private property. For communism, the construction of a classless society takes place through the intensification of the contradictions of capitalism, giving rise to a process of transformation in the mode of production. This change necessitates in a transition period called socialist. As for anarchism, the State is based on hierarchization and coercion, which would prevent the construction of a fair and egalitarian society.
Difference Between Fascism and Nazism

Difference Between Fascism and Nazism

We can briefly say that fascism and Nazism are nationalist political movements that were characterized by being categorically opposed to liberal democracy, therefore, they are considered totalitarian and extremist movements. Both militarist movements were raised as authoritarian movements where the figure of a leader predominated to whom his followers swore allegiance and defended until the last instances.

Difference Between Responsible and Representative Government

The difference between representative government and responsible governments depends on the nature of the legislature and the relationship between it and the executive. If the legislature is elected by the people, the system of government is representative and this is the ordinary system in all democracies, except in one-party states. In one party states where there is only one officially-recognized political party, there is no real choice between candidates and programmes.

Difference Between Unitary and Federal System of Government

Unitary system of government may be described as a government organized under a single central government. A Federal system of government is one in which sovereignty is not confined exclusively to either the central government or the component units, but rather, is divided between them.

Differences Between Unicameral and Bicameral Legislature

Differences Between Unicameral and Bicameral Legislature | Bicameralism is defined as a process or act of carrying out legislative functions by the two chambers in a country while Uni-cameralism is the existence of a single legislative body in a state. Hence, in a unicameral state, legislative functions are performed by only one chamber, with members directly elected by the electorate.

Difference Between a Citizen and Non Citizen

A citizen is defined as a legal member of a state with full constitutional or legal rights in the country in which he or she resides. While an alien or a non-citizen is any individual who is not a national of a State in which he or she is present.