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Positive and Negative Effects Of Colonial Rule In West Africa

Effects of Colonial Rule - Colonialism is an imposition of a more developed culture over a less developed one, backed up by expansionist and economic adventurism. European capitalist countries established political, economic, military...

Role Of Traditional Rulers During Colonial Period

Before the advent of colonialism, the traditional rulers or chiefs in many parts of Africa exercised unlimited powers. The chiefs performed legislative, executive and judicial functions.

Policy Of Association | French Colonial Administrations

The policy of association was developed in place of assimilation and by 1958 the policy of assimilation had been completely abandoned.

Indirect Rule | Definition, Features, Pros & Cons

Indirect rule is the system of government in which a colonial power makes use of the traditional institutions of the local people in the administration of a territory.

Merits & Demerits of Indirect Rule

Indirect Rule system was less expensive because the colonial masters used the machinery of traditional rulers to run the affairs of government.

Differences Between French and British Colonial Policies In Africa

There were certain differences between British and French colonial policies in West Africa. In the first place, the French regarded all her colonial territories in West Africa as one political unit, which was part of the Republic of France.

Success Of Indirect Rule In Northern Nigeria

Success Of Indirect Rule In Nigeria - The indirect rule system was largely a success in the Northern Protectorate because of the following reasons.

Effects Of Indirect Rule In British West Africa

The indirect rule policy had both positive and negative effects on the political system. In the short run, the indirect rule increased the power and authority of traditional rulers.

Merits and Demerits of Colonialism

Colonialism | Pros and Cons of British and French Colonial Administrations In West Africa As emphasised in our previous article, three different colonial powers had...

Differences Between Pre-colonial Political Administration In Nigeria

The three major traditional political institutions (Hausa - Fulani, Igbo and Yoruba) had certain common attributes in their systems of government. There were also some differences between them.

Hausa Fulani Pre-Colonial Political Administration

HAUSA / FULANI Pre-Colonial Political Administration and the Emirates System The dominant political group in the northern part of Nigeria before the Uthman Dan Fodio’s...

Igbo Pre-Colonial Political Administration

Igbo Pre-Colonial Political Administration and the Traditional Classless System of Igboland The Igbo live in what is now called the South East geo-political zone and...

Yoruba Pre-Colonial Political Administration

Yoruba Pre-Colonial Political Administration and the Traditional Historical Society of Yorubaland THE YORUBA POLITICAL SYSTEM The Yoruba live mainly in the South - West geo-political zone...

Reasons For Introducing Indirect Rule In British West Africa

The British colonial government introduced the indirect rule system for a number of reasons. They are - Lack of funds, shortage of personnel...

Pre-Colonial Administration In Nigeria

Pre-Colonial Administration In Nigeria Before the coming of Europeans into Nigeria, the various ethnic groups were autonomous and had developed their governmental systems in such...

Indirect Rule In Southern Protectorate Of Nigeria

Southern Protectorate Of Nigeria - Although the indirect rule policy was a huge success in the Northern Protectorate, it was a mixed bag in the Southern Protectorate.

Military Rule In Nigeria Politics (1966 – 1999)

Military Rule In Nigeria - In the early hours of January 15, 1966, Nigeria witnessed the first military coup led by Major Chukwuma Nzeogwu and other majors in the army. It was a bloody military intervention in the political history of Nigeria.

Effects Of Colonialism

The effects of British and French colonial rule in West Africa were similar. The significant negative effects of colonialism include the following:
Independence of Ecuador

Ecuadorian War of Independence | Ecuador Revolution

The Independence of Ecuador is known as the process of liberation from the colonial rule of the Royal Court of Quito, which since 1563 belonged to the Spanish Empire. This process of emancipation began on October 9, 1820, with the seizure of power by the revolutionary Creoles of the city ​​of Guayaquil.

Nationalist Movements In French West Africa

There was a late development of nationalism in French-speaking West African countries. At a time when the educated elites in British West Africa were challenging colonial rule, and demanding self-government, the elite in French colonial territories were busy struggling for accommodation within the system. Many Africans were elected as members of the French Parliament in Paris.