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Population Distribution Definition
Population distribution refers to the structure of the population. The structure includes geographical age, sex and occupational distribution.

Factors Affecting Geographical Distribution
By geographical distribution of population, we mean the dispersion of people throughout the length and breadth of a particular country.
Factors affecting the distribution are:
- Availability of agricultural land.
- Availability of mineral wealth.
- (Climatic conditions of the different parts of the country.
- Relief.
- Availability of rivers which may support fishing and allied industries.
- Existence of commercial industrial and service activities established by private individuals and governments parastatal.
Factors Affecting the Age Distribution of Population
- Areas of high birthrate tend to have a young population.
- Areas of lower deathrate tend to have an aging or old population.
- Migration: areas where more people move to tend to have a higher rate of population than where people move out from.
- Government policies such as the distribution of industries affect the distribution of population.
Factors Affecting Sex Distribution of Population
- Birthrate: The proportional distribution of births between male and female sexes will affect the distribution of population.
- Deathrate: The distribution of death-rate between the male and female in an area will effect the sex distribution of the remaining population.
- Migration: Men usually move more than women, thus a higher migration of people from one area will reduce the proportion of men in the area from which they move and increase the proportion ofmen.
- Culture of the people: Some cultures allow men to move to other areas, leaving their wives at home. In such cultures there will be more women than men in the remaining population.
Factors Affecting Occupational Distribution of Population
- Culture of the people: In some societies women are not allowed to occupy certain positions. Their culture forbids it.
- Availability of educational institutions: The kinds and varieties of educational institutions will affect the occupational distribution of the labour force.
- Distribution of educational facilities: Some states have more educational facilities than others such as polytechnics, colleges of education and colleges of agriculture. Such states will have more varied occupations than states with less of such facilities.
- Migration: Areas with greater and better economic opportunities will attract more people. The wider the varieties of such opportunities, the wider the distribution of occupational groups.
- Natural endowment: The localization of natural endowment will influence the distribution of people with natural talents.
- Level of Technological Development: A country that is more technologically developed will have a wider spread of different occupations than the less developed country.
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