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Merits and Demerits of Colonialism

Colonialism | Pros and Cons of British and French Colonial Administrations In West Africa As emphasised in our previous article, three different colonial powers had...

Effects Of Colonialism

The effects of British and French colonial rule in West Africa were similar. The significant negative effects of colonialism include the following:

Neocolonialism | Meaning and Definition

Neo-colonialism is identified in the persistent influence of the ex-colonial powers in the domestic and foreign policies of the newly independent states, which is particularly noticeable in the economic field, where the colonial-type economic relations are not only sustained but are given a boost
Africa as the Centrepiece of Nigeria Foreign Policy | Meaning, Principles & Implications

Africa as the Centrepiece of Nigeria Foreign Policy | Meaning, Principles & Implications

Africa as the “centrepiece” of Nigeria’s foreign policy means that Africa is the focus of Nigeria’s foreign policy. In other words, this policy orientation implies that the country places a high premium on issues relating to African affairs in her foreign policy.
Difference Between Poverty and Inequality

Difference Between Poverty and Inequality

Poverty is the state in which an individual or group can not meet basic human needs to maintain a minimum level of quality of life, while Inequality on the other hand, refers to the unfair or unequal distribution of resources among various people or groups, caused by social, gender, ethnic, religious or other discrimination.
Capitalism – Definition, History, Features & Examples

Capitalism – Definition, History, Features & Examples

Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production and distribution are mainly owned and controlled by private individuals and firms. The primary aim of any economic activity in a capitalist state is to make profit.

Great Nigerian People’s Party (GNPP)

The Great Nigerian People’s Party (GNPP) was formed towards the end of 1978 by a splinter group which broke away from the NPP following the entry of Dr. Azikiwe into the presidential race on the platform of the NPP in 1978. The GNPP was led by Alhaji Waziri Ibrahim; a former NPC stalwart With a liberal orientation who himself had presidential ambition. The party was therefore fashioned to achieve this objective.

Nigerian People’s Party (NPP)

Nigerian People’s Party (NPP) - Like the other parties registered for the 1979 elections (except the UPN), the NPP had its origin in the Northern part of Nigeria. The party was an offshoot of the Council for Understanding and Solidarity (CUS), which was formed by some members of the Constituent Assembly in 1977.

Nationalism | Definition, History, & Background

Nationalism in the African context may be defined as the struggles by Africans to free themselves from foreign rule, and to determine, after independence has been won, their own future. In the period before the Second World War, nationalism was aimed at resolving certain grievances of the elites.

Rise And Growth Of Nationalism After World War II

Nationalism in the African context may be defined as the struggles by Africans to free themselves from foreign rule, and to determine, after independence has been won, their own future. In the period before the Second World War, nationalism was aimed at resolving certain grievances of the elites.

Indirect Rule | Definition, Features, Pros & Cons

Indirect rule is the system of government in which a colonial power makes use of the traditional institutions of the local people in the administration of a territory.

Role Of Traditional Rulers During Colonial Period

Before the advent of colonialism, the traditional rulers or chiefs in many parts of Africa exercised unlimited powers. The chiefs performed legislative, executive and judicial functions.

Differences Between French and British Colonial Policies In Africa

There were certain differences between British and French colonial policies in West Africa. In the first place, the French regarded all her colonial territories in West Africa as one political unit, which was part of the Republic of France.

Success Of Indirect Rule In Northern Nigeria

Success Of Indirect Rule In Nigeria - The indirect rule system was largely a success in the Northern Protectorate because of the following reasons.

Positive and Negative Effects Of Colonial Rule In West Africa

Effects of Colonial Rule - Colonialism is an imposition of a more developed culture over a less developed one, backed up by expansionist and economic adventurism. European capitalist countries established political, economic, military...

Reasons For Colonialisation of West Africa

European colonialisation of Africa, and indeed, the whole continent of Africa, was not accidental as it was motivated by several factors which are...

Effects Of Indirect Rule In British West Africa

The indirect rule policy had both positive and negative effects on the political system. In the short run, the indirect rule increased the power and authority of traditional rulers.

Constitution | Definition, Types, Functions & Principles

Constitution - Definition, Principles, Sources, Types and Scope of Constitution Definition of Constitution A constitution may be defined as a set of rules, which establishes the...
Sovereignty – Definition, Types, Features & Development

Sovereignty: Definition, Types, Features, Pros & Cons

The word 'sovereignty' itself is derived from the Latin term 'superamus' which means supremacy. As such, Sovereignty refers to the supreme power or authority in a state. It is the power of the state to make laws, and enforce these laws without the state being subject to any foreign control.

Reasons For Introducing Indirect Rule In British West Africa

The British colonial government introduced the indirect rule system for a number of reasons. They are - Lack of funds, shortage of personnel...