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Features of Socialism

The main aim of socialism is to ensure equal distribution of nation's wealth. The state, acting on behalf of the people is seen as impartial and can adequately control all productive and distributive activities and the state. This theory originated as a protest against the evils of capitalism. Karl Marx, a German propounded this theory.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Socialism

Advantages and Disadvantages of Socialism

Socialism is an economic cum political system in which the means of production and distribution is collectively owned and controlled by the state. This is done on-behalf of the people while the government sees to the equitable distribution of the resources evenly.
Socialism – Definition, Features, Pros & Cons

Socialism – Definition, Features, Pros & Cons

Socialism is an intermediate or transition stage between capitalism and communism. It is both an economic and political concept. As an economic concept, socialism means an economic system in which the means of production (i.e land, labour, capital) are controlled mainly by the state. Most economic activities in a socialist state are performed by the government and its agencies.
Totalitarianism – Definition, History, Features & Examples

Totalitarianism – Definition, History, Features & Examples

Totalitarianism is a form of government in which the state claims total control of all the activities of the people. The government controls both the public and private realms. In totalitarian system of government, any act can be considered 'political' if the government so desires. The former Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin, and Germany under Adolf Hitler were typical examples of totalitarian governments.
Forms of Government | Types & Definition

Forms of Government | Types & Definition

There are different types and forms of government. However, the form of government been adopted by a country depends to a great extent on the customs, beliefs, history, law and institutions of the state, and the type of people controlling the government. The form of government being operated by a state will also vary with a particular functions of the people and rulers of a state which a government do undertake.
Oligarchy | Definition, Features, Merits & Demerits

Oligarchy | Definition, Features, Merits & Demerits

Oligarchy is a form of government in which power is concentrated in the hands of a few. It is a minority rule political system.

Representative Democracy | Definition, Features & Historical

The most widely-known definition of Representative Democracy is the one articulated by the former American President, Abraham Lincoln. He described democracy as government by the people, of the people, and for the people.
Democracy – Definition, Types, Pros & Cons

Democracy: Definition, Features, Types, Pros & Cons

Democracy means different things to different people. A former American president, Abraham Lincoln from 1861 to 1865 give democracy its arguably most popular meaning when he defined it as "government of the people, by the people, and for the people".

Republican Government – Definition, Features & Examples

A Republican Government or Republicanism is a form of government in which sovereign of the state is headed by a president, directly or indirectly elected by the people for a fixed term of office.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Democracy

Advantages and Disadvantages of Democracy

Democracy signifies a government set up by the whole people, run and directed by the whole people for the benefit of the whole people. Democracy has succeeded and failed woefully in many countries and it is perhaps the most practice form of government today. Yet, it has been successful and failed largely because of the reasons...
Agents of Political Socialization

Agents of Political Socialization

The agencies of political socialization are the means by which the beliefs, values, and attitudes of the people are shaped from time to time. There are primary and secondary agencies of socialization. The primary agencies are the family and school. On the other hand, socialization is only and incidental function of the secondary agencies such as the workplace, church, mosque, Social Club, etc.
Limitations of Sovereignty | 6 Demerits of Sovereignty

Limitations of Sovereignty | 6 Demerits of Sovereignty

Limitations of Sovereignty - The idea of sovereignty of the state exists more affection than in reality. The fact is that no state, regardless of its powers, can do whatever it likes because its sovereignty is limited in many ways.
Sovereignty – Definition, Types, Features & Development

Sovereignty: Definition, Types, Features, Pros & Cons

The word 'sovereignty' itself is derived from the Latin term 'superamus' which means supremacy. As such, Sovereignty refers to the supreme power or authority in a state. It is the power of the state to make laws, and enforce these laws without the state being subject to any foreign control.
Government as an Academic Field of Study

Government as an Academic Field of Study

Government as an academic field of study is a subject which is studied in our high schools. It is also a social science discipline, which is offered in the university's although it bears different names such as Political Science or Political Studies or Politics in these institutions.
Society – Definition, Characteristics & Examples

Society – Definition, Features & Examples (Government)

Any discussion of the state and government is incomplete without a clarification of the meaning of the term 'society'. Sociologically, a society consist of all the people who share a distinct and continuing way of life and think of themselves as one united people.  It is a group of people with common interest.

Political Authority | Definition, Sources & Examples

Political Authority - Authority is recognition of the right to rule regardless of who the ruler is. Unlike power, which to a large extent involves the use of force, authority is a light to rule. As such, a person is said to have authority if his rule is accepted by the people without question.

Principle of Collective Responsibility

The principle of collective responsibility states that the ministers are responsible collectively for the consideration, determination and coordination of the main lines of policy and for the conduct of the departments of government, each minister is also responsible for the management of his individual department.

Anthropocentrism: Definition, Origin, Pros & Cons

Anthropocentrism is a philosophical doctrine that conceives the human being and his interests as the center of the entire universe. Under his conception, the rest of living beings are subject to the interests, needs and well-being of human beings.
Features of Totalitarian System of Government

Features of Totalitarian System of Government

Features of Totalitarian System of Government Totalitarian is defined as a form of government in which the state has absolute control of everything, including all aspects...
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Francoism: Definition, History, Features, Stages & Consequences

Francoism - Francoist Spain Francoism - Authoritarian political regime that took place in Spain towards the middle of the 20th century. What was the Franco Regime? The...