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Franchise | Definition, Historical and Types of Suffrage

The term 'suffrage' is often used interchangeable with franchise. Nevertheless, they both mean the same thing. Suffrage or franchise is the right or privilege granted by the state to members of a community to participate in an election or a referendum. This means that anyone who has this right can vote in an election or take part in a referendum.

Absolute Majority | Definition, Features, Pros & Cons

Absolute majority is another form of geographical representation. It means that a candidate is elected if he secured more than 50% of the total votes cast in an election. To secure an absolute majority the candidate must win at least 50% + 1% (51%) of the total votes.

Richards Constitution of 1946 | Features, Merits & Demerits

The Richards Constitution which took its name from Sir Arthur Richards (later Lord Milverton), the then Governor of Nigeria, came into effect on 1st January, 1947. But the constitution itself was the outcome of several events that took place within and outside Nigeria since the Clifford Constitution was promulgated in 1922.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Clifford Constitution of 1922

Advantages and Disadvantages of Hugh Clifford Constitution The system of government introduced as a result of the amalgamation of 1914 created sharp divisions between British...

Clifford Constitution of 1922 | Features, Merits & Demerits

Clifford Constitution of 1922 - The system of government introduced as a result of the amalgamation of 1914 created sharp divisions between British officials and educated Nigerians on one hand, and between the chiefs and the educated elements on the other hand.

Lord Lugard Constitution 1914 In Nigeria

As a result of the acceptance of the Lord Lugard Amalgamation Report by the British Government, the Northern and Southern Provinces were joined together to form Nigeria on 1st January, 1914.

Nationalism | Definition, History, & Background

Nationalism in the African context may be defined as the struggles by Africans to free themselves from foreign rule, and to determine, after independence has been won, their own future. In the period before the Second World War, nationalism was aimed at resolving certain grievances of the elites.

Herbert Macaulay (1864 – 1945)

Herbert Macaulay Samuel Heelas was born in Lagos on 14th November, 1864. He was the seventh child of Reverend Thomas Babington Macaulay and Abigail Macaulay (daughter of Bishop Ajayi Crowther). He attended St. Paul’s Anglican School, Breadfruit Street and C.M.S. Day School, Faji both in Lagos.

Nigerian Youth Movement (NYM) | Political Party, Nigeria

The Nigerian Youth Movement began as the Lagos Youth Movement in 1933. It was a protest movement to challenge the domination of Lagos politics by the Nigerian National Democratic Party. The party was renamed as Nigerian Youth Movement in 1936.

Rise And Growth Of Nationalism After World War II

Nationalism in the African context may be defined as the struggles by Africans to free themselves from foreign rule, and to determine, after independence has been won, their own future. In the period before the Second World War, nationalism was aimed at resolving certain grievances of the elites.

Indirect Rule | Definition, Features, Pros & Cons

Indirect rule is the system of government in which a colonial power makes use of the traditional institutions of the local people in the administration of a territory.

Differences Between French and British Colonial Policies In Africa

There were certain differences between British and French colonial policies in West Africa. In the first place, the French regarded all her colonial territories in West Africa as one political unit, which was part of the Republic of France.

Crown Colony System | Structures & Features

The following institutions constituted the Crown Colony Government which was responsible for the administration of British colonial territories.

Positive and Negative Effects Of Colonial Rule In West Africa

Effects of Colonial Rule - Colonialism is an imposition of a more developed culture over a less developed one, backed up by expansionist and economic adventurism. European capitalist countries established political, economic, military...

Reasons For Colonialisation of West Africa

European colonialisation of Africa, and indeed, the whole continent of Africa, was not accidental as it was motivated by several factors which are...

Effects Of Indirect Rule In British West Africa

The indirect rule policy had both positive and negative effects on the political system. In the short run, the indirect rule increased the power and authority of traditional rulers.

Reasons For Adoption Of Policy Of Association In French West Africa

There were certain political developments within and outside France that led to the shift from assimilation to association.

Merits and Demerits of Colonialism

Colonialism | Pros and Cons of British and French Colonial Administrations In West Africa As emphasised in our previous article, three different colonial powers had...

Nationalist Movement And The Decolonization Of Africa

Nationalist Movement And The Decolonization In Africa | Nationalism is could mean a certain form of unity which grows out of historical experience. It is the sense of oneness that emerges from social groups, trying to control their interest against competing groups. It can also mean a strong emotional awareness of belonging to a nation-state held in bondage by foreign dominations which leads to the struggle against such foreign rule and domination.
Apartheid In South Africa

Apartheid in South Africa

The establishment of an autocratic status of the white minority rule has been the bane of South African apartheid system. This system allowed the white minority, irrespective of religion, origin, or accomplishment, an immeasurable access to assets of the Nation; while non-white (blacks) were denied the same opportunities and privileges.