Neo-colonialism is identified in the persistent influence of the ex-colonial powers in the domestic and foreign policies of the newly independent states, which is particularly noticeable in the economic field, where the colonial-type economic relations are not only sustained but are given a boost.
Most African states have consistently demonstrated this neo colonial tendency by maintaining diplomatic links with either the West or the East bloc and accepting βaidβ from both blocs.
Therefore, as a result of their dependence on foreign aid, the foreign policy of most of them is skewed in favour of their colonial overlords.
This has resulted in the maintenance of a very close relations with their erstwhile colonial overlords.
Similarly, the activities of IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the World Bank in most of these developing states have neo-colonial tendencies.
Furthemore, these states are puppets to IMF as well as to their former colonial powers in terms of economic aids.
They are equally subject to manipulation in the hands of these developed countries.