Home Study Guide Major Sources of Nigeria Local Government Revenue

Major Sources of Nigeria Local Government Revenue

Major Sources of Nigeria Local Government Revenue
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Major Sources of Local Government Revenue in Nigeria

Local Government Revenue in Nigeria
Local Government Revenue in Nigeria

Funding of Local Government

Local governments in Nigeria have two main sources of revenue which may be described as (a) internal sources of revenue and (b) external source of revenue.

1. Internal Sources of Funding

Local governments generate some of their funds internally through the following sources:

  • Local Rates

Local governments collect rates or fees on market stalls and motor parks. The cost of collecting these rates is usually higher than the revenue realized. Moreover, several other outfits such as the National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW) often compete with councils in the collection of these fees e.g. motor park fees.

  • Property Tax

Property tax or tenement rate is paid annually by a property owner on his property. It is a major source of income to local governments. The problem is that the valuation of property and the machinery for collecting property tax are sometimes defective.

  • Special Levies

Local governments sometimes impose special or development levies on taxable adults. These may take the form of market levy, education levy, etc. The important thing, however, is that such a levy must first be approved by the state government.

  • Licenses

Local governments grant licences for dogs, bicycles, radio and television sets. But many of these fees have remained unchanged for years and are, to some extent unrealistically low. Thus, the revenue value is undermined by the cost of collection. In Nigeria, many local governments do not even bother to collect these fees perhaps because they are usually low.

  • Court Fines

Court fines are normally paid into the coffers of local governments. But they are generally low.

  • Liquor Licence

Sellers of alcoholic drinks (or beer parlours) are required to pay a certain tee for their operation.

  • Commercial Activities

Local governments sometimes engage in commercial activities such as transportation. The profitability of such a business depends on the entrepreneurial ability of council officials. Unfortunately, people steeped in civil service practices are hardly business-oriented.

  • Investment

Some local councils engage in investments such as the purchase of shares and government bonds. Income realized from this source may augment local government funds.

Although local governments can generate income from these numerous sources, the problem in most cases is that the machinery for the collection of these revenues is generally inadequate and defective. The most unfortunate aspect of the problem is that many of these councils are not even in a position to generate enough revenue internally.

2. External Sources of Funding

Local governments have three main external sources of income. These are explained below.

  • Grant Subvention

Local governments receive statutory allocation or subventions from the federal and state governments. In particular, they receive a share of the funds in the Federation Account which is paid into the State Joint Local Government Account.

The amount paid as subvention depends primarily on the revenue available to be shard among the three tiers of government. The state governments also give subvention to local governments. This is about 10 percent of the state’s internally generated revenue.

Statutory allocations, especially subvention from the Federation Account have become the major source of revenue for local councils in Nigeria. As a result of the almost total dependence on these grants, many local governments have failed to develop the local source of revenue.

Thus, councils are usually pained when the statutory allocations fall below expectation (for example, when there is a fall in the price. of crude oil or When deductions are made at source from their allocations by the federal or state government to offset some of their commitments).

  • Loans and Advances

Local governments borrow money from commercial banks to execute certain specific projects. This is, however, subject to approval by the state government.

Local governments in the country are entitled to 35 percent of the Value Added Tax (VAT) collected by the Federal Government.

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