Loi Cadre of 1956 In French West Africa | Aspects

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Loi Cadre of 1956 In French West Africa

The “loi cadre” or framework law was formulated in 1956. The law encompassed all the political and constitutional changes or reforms introduced by the FrΓ©nch Government in 1956 to grant some autonomy to its overseas colonial territories.

As odd above, the changes did not come on their own but as a result of pressure mounted on the government from within and abroad.

The loi cadre was significant in the following aspects.

  • The loi cadre abolished the policy of assimilation and replaced it with association.
  • It introduced universal adult suffrage for elections in the territories.
  • The distinction between French citizens and French subjects was removed.
  • The territorial assemblies were granted power to make laws on all subjects.
  • An executive council was established in each territory under the control of the governor.
  • A large council was established at the federal level to coordinate the activities of the different territories.
  • Each territory had its own public service.
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