The Civil Service Commission

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Civil Service Commission | Definition and Functions

Federal Civil Service Commission (Nigeria)
Federal Civil Service Commission (Nigeria)

The civil service been a part of the public service is a body responsible for planning, giving advice, and implementing policies and government ministries and departments. These employees are called civil servants.

Government ministries are headed by ministers or commissioners and assisted by directors generalΒ or permanent secretaries, as well as other departmental heads.


The Civil Service Commission is an independent body established by government to deal with establishment or personnel matters in the public service.

Although some members of the commission may have been politicians before their appointment, but they are usually insulated from political pressure. The members are required to work in the interest of the service. The aim is to ensure that society gets the best service from qualified staff.

Functions of the Civil Service Commission

The functions which are normally assigned to civil service commissions include the following:

  • Determination of Methods of Recruitment
    The civil service commission prescribes the methods and procedures to be followed by the civil service and public corporations in the recruitment of their officers after due consultation with government and other appropriate authorities.
  • Conduct of Recruitment Examinations and Interviews
    In order to ensure uniformity and maintain standard in the recruitment process, the commission conducts or causes to be conducted on its behalf or, on behalf of any Ministry or Department or Agency (MDA), examinations and interviews for appointment to any office in the public services.
  • Appointment Promotion and Transfer of Personnel
    The civil service commission prescribes the principles to be followed in matters relating to the appointment and promotion of staff in the public service and transfer from one public service organization to another.
  • Handling of Staff Discipline
    The commission, either on its own or through committees established by it, ensures that disciplinary procedures in the public services are strictly adhered to and that appropriate sanctionsare imposed on erring staff, where necessary.
  • Preparation and Operation of Scheme of Service
    The civil service commission assists in framing and operating a scheme of service which details the qualifications and experience required for appointment and promotion to each post in the public service.
  • Prescription of Guidelines for Joint Negotiating Committees
    The facilitate efficient salary administration and provide a rational wage system in the public service, the commission prescribes the principles to be followed in the establishment and operation of joint negotiating committees (comprising management and leaders of labour unions) in the civil service and public corporations.
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