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Pros & Cons

Pros and Cons of an Interdisciplinary Studies Degree

Pros and Cons of an Interdisciplinary Studies Degree: Interdisciplinary studies programs combine fields of study to create a holistic educational experience. While these programs are sometimes viewed as less rigorous than traditional majors, they can be an excellent option for anyone who is interested in a particular subject but would...

Checks and Balances – Definition, Merits & Demerits

The principle of checks and balances means that each organ of government should exercise control over the other. The objective is to ensure that no organ of government dominates another.

Advantage and Disadvantage of Confederal System of Government

Confederation / Confederal system of government is the type of government in which sovereign states come together as autonomous bodies to form a loose political union in which the central government is subordinate to the components governments.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Presidential System of Government

Presidential system of government is a form of government where there is a separation of functions between the executive organ and legislative organ of government. In this system, all the three arms of government are independent of one another.

Advantages & Disadvantages of 1989 Constitution In Nigeria

Advantages and Disadvantages of 1989 Constitution Of Federal Republic Of Nigeria – 3rd Republican Constitution

Merits and Demerits of 1999 Constitution In Nigeria

Advantages and Disadvantages of 1999 Constitution Of Federal Republic Of Nigeria - 4th Republican Constitution Merits of 1999 Constitution Of Nigeria The major advantages and arguments in favour of the 1999 Constitution include the following: 1. The retention of the federal system of government is a realistic and pragmatic decision. Federalism remains...

Pressure Groups – 11 Advantages & Disadvantages

Pressure Groups - Advantages and Disadvantages A pressure group is an organized group, which influences government decisions socially or economically without necessarily entering into election activities for the control of government. Pressure groups attempt to reinforce or change the direction of government policy, but they do not try as it...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Democracy

Democracy signifies a government set up by the whole people, run and directed by the whole people for the benefit of the whole people. Democracy has succeeded and failed woefully in many countries and it is perhaps the most practice form of government today. Yet, it has been successful and failed largely because of the reasons...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Feudalism

Feudalism can be defined as the identification of landed property with sovereignty - sovereignty over a parcel of land which becomes a private hereditary possession and an asset to the family. The king on receiving his fief or feud (feudalism) or estate was entrusted with sovereignty over all persons living on it. He became their law-maker, their commander and the judge.

Advantage and Disadvantage of Delegated Legislation

Advantages and Disadvantages of Delegated Legislation Delegated legislation is defined as the act of transferring powers and functions through the Acts of parliament to other organisations such as ministries, local governments, public corporations, etc. Laws made by these bodies are referred to as bye laws. Parliament finds it mere convenient to...

Advantages & Disadvantages of Lyttleton Constitution of 1954

Advantages and Disadvantages of Oliver Lyttleton Constitution of 1954 In Nigeria Pre-Independence Constitution Include the Following...

Advantage and Disadvantage of Representative Government

Representative government refers to a government where the people participate in choosing through periodic, free and fair elections, those that would govern them. It is a democratic government in which the citizens elect representatives who act as their agents in law making and implementation.

Advantage and Disadvantage of Decentralisation

Decentralisation (Decentralization) has to do with the sharing of power between the central government and other constituent units, within a political system. Powers are therefore, distributed to these different units, thereby creating many centres of power.

Advantage and Disadvantage of Centralisation

Centralisation is defined as the process by which political power is located in a single central decision making body. The highest degree of centralization is achieved where all powers of government are vested in a central authority.

Merits & Demerits Of 1979 Constitution | 2nd Republic

The 1979 constitution "2nd republican constitutions" of the federal republic of Nigeria had the following advantages and disadvantages.
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