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20 Proven Ways to Drive More Traffic and Leads with Video Marketing

20 Proven Ways to Drive More Traffic and Leads with Video Marketing
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As businesses continue to invest in digital marketing, video is emerging as an increasingly powerful and effective tool for brands. Video content has a much higher completion rate than text-based content, studies show that video has a much higher average view duration than images or text content, and videos can be directly indexed by search engines meaning they’re more likely to appear on Google and other search results. Video marketing is continuing to grow in popularity among businesses of all kinds.

It’s not just the big YouTubers with followings in the millions who are taking advantage of this growing trend; even smaller businesses are seeing the benefits of incorporating video into their marketing mix.

The stats don’t lie; video is here to stay and it can drive traffic and leads for your business if you implement the 20 tips we will be sharing with you in the course of this article.

You are probably already familiar with the many benefits of video marketing. It’s a great way to humanize your brand, increase lead generation, and expand your reach. But to get the most out of your video marketing efforts, you need to know how to drive traffic and leads with video effectively.

If you’re struggling to get results from your current video marketing strategy or are just getting started with it, read on for some expert advice. There is nothing more impressive than seeing someone who knows what they’re doing.

It’s almost an art form when done correctly, but it doesn’t have to be that complicated. In this article, we will cover 20 tips which will help you drive more traffic and leads with video marketing!

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1. Build a Video Marketing Strategy

As with any marketing strategy, you want to define a few goals you want to achieve with your video marketing campaign. Look at your target audience, what they want and how they consume content and determine if video marketing is the right fit for your company. Once you’ve decided that video is the right choice for your business, you’ll want to create a video marketing strategy.

The most important thing here is to make sure your video marketing strategy is aligned with your overall business goals and marketing strategy. A video marketing strategy will include information like the type of video you’ll be creating, the type of content, the frequency of publishing, where the videos will be hosted, who will be featured in the videos, and any other details related to your video marketing strategy.

2. Produce Quality Content

The first step in any video marketing campaign should be to create quality video content. Video content is an investment, so you want to make sure you’re creating something that you can use again and again, and that will actually drive traffic and leads for your business.

The best way to create quality video content is to make sure you have a defined workflow from start to finish. This process should have several checkpoints where you’ll be able to evaluate the quality of the video and make adjustments as needed.

Defining a workflow for your video production can help you stay organized and be efficient with your time. It will also help you make sure the content you’re creating meets your quality standards.

3. Make Video SEO a Priority

Just like with any other type of content, you’ll want to make sure your video content has great SEO. This will help your video content rank higher in search results and drive more traffic to your website. You’ll want to make sure your video has an optimized title and description.

The video title and description should include the keywords you want to rank for and the description should be at least 150 words. Additionally, you’ll want to make sure your video has proper tags.

These are metadata words and phrases related to the content of your video that will help it rank for specific keywords. There are specific formats for video tags and you’ll want to make sure you follow them.

4. Add Rich Media Advertisements

For many businesses, creating video advertisements is an essential part of their digital marketing strategy. Video advertisements are an excellent way to engage potential customers and drive more leads and sales for your business. There are a few different types of video advertisements you can create and use in your video marketing campaign. These include:

  • Pre-roll advertisements: these are short advertisements that play before your video content.
  • Mid-roll advertisements: these are advertisements that play during video content.
  • Bumpers or end cards: these are short video advertisements that play at the end of your video content. When creating video advertisements, make sure to follow best practices and work with your marketing team to make sure your video advertisements are aligned with your overall marketing strategy.

5. Add Rich Media Ads

There are a lot of different types of rich media ads you can create. You can create static image ads, carousel ads, click to action ads, video ads, etc. You can even create VR ads that immerse your customers in a 360-degree experience.

When creating rich media ads, make sure to follow best practices and work with your marketing team to make sure your ads are aligned with your overall marketing strategy.

6. Don’t Forget the Basics

Even though you’re creating video content, you shouldn’t abandon your text-based content. Your website should have a blog and you should be posting to social media at least once a day.

Video should be just one of many different types of content you’re creating for your company. Additionally, don’t forget about the other aspects of digital marketing like putting a strong focus on your SEO and building your website’s functionality.

7. Utilize Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a great way to promote your video content. You can partner with popular YouTubers or bloggers who have a large following and are relevant to your business.

You can offer to create video content they can share or promote on their channels in exchange for them featuring your video content on their channels. You can also offer to create written product reviews or written content reviews that your influencers can share with their audience.

8. Leverage B2B Platforms

If you’re marketing to other businesses, you can use video marketing on B2B platforms like Flipboard, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms geared towards businesses. You can also start creating video content for video platforms that are geared towards B2B businesses like BrightTALK and Vidyard.

9. Use Brand Awareness Ads

If your goal is to build brand awareness with your video marketing campaign, you can create video advertisements that are focused on delivering your company’s message. These ads are great for getting your name out there and establishing your brand as an authority in your industry.

There are different types of brand awareness ads that you can create. You can choose from different types of video advertisements including video click to actions, carousel ads, or video destination ads. You can also create video content that isn’t a traditional advertisement and focus on educating your customers instead of selling to them.

10. Create Video Content for All of Your Marketing Channels

You want to make sure you’re creating video content for all of your marketing channels. This includes your website and blog, your social media channels, and video hosting platforms like YouTube. You might also want to invest in creating video content for paid video advertising platforms like BrightTALK and Vidyard.

This will help you make the most of your video marketing efforts and help you drive more traffic and leads from all of your video content, which will be especially important if you’re creating long-form video content.

11. Show Your Customers You Care with Employee Videos

Another great way to utilize video marketing is to create videos featuring your employees. If you work in a service-based industry, you can create videos that show your customers how your business works.

You can also use these videos to share advice and tips related to your industry to help your customers who are interested in learning more about your business. If you work in a B2B industry, you can create videos that feature your employees talking about the industry and their role in the business.

12. Create Long-Form Video Content

Many people think the key to successful video marketing is to slap a camera in the hands of a sales rep and turn them into a YouTuber. The reality is that long-form content has a much higher chance of going viral than short-form content. Long-form video is also more likely to lead to leads and conversions.

Long-form videos typically are between 10 and 20 minutes in length, so they give visitors enough time to become engaged with the content they’re watching. But they’re not so long that viewers lose interest or become frustrated and give up before the video is over. Long-form video is ideal for creating video tutorials, product demos, or walkthroughs.

These are types of videos that visitors might want to watch more than once. You can post them on your own website, or you can use video-hosting sites such as YouTube, Wistia, or Vimeo to gain more exposure.

13. Create Short-Form Video Content

Short-form video is designed to be consumed quickly, often within a few seconds. These videos can show up in a number of places including social media feeds, e-commerce websites, and embedded in emails. Short-form video content includes advertisements, product launches, and business development videos.

These types of content are a bit more structured than long-form video and typically follow a specific formula and are meant to grab the viewer’s attention and be quickly consumed. Short-form video is often used for advertising campaigns, launching new products or services, or B2B lead generation campaigns.

If you choose to create short-form video content, include a call-to-action in the video so that viewers know what they should do next.

14. Create Live Video Content

Live video is a relatively new trend that lets viewers see behind-the-scenes footage or watch a live video feed and interact with the host. Live video is a great way to show your human side, connect with your audience on a personal level, and address their questions and comments in real time as they’re being asked.

Live video can be broadcasted on social media platforms, or you can use video-hosting sites such as YouNow, Facebook Live, Instagram Live, or Periscope. Live video is a good way to show a more behind-the-scenes look at what it’s like to work for your company. You can also use live video to address concerns or questions from your audience.

15. Video Marketing is Growing

There are many statistics that prove video marketing is growing and here are a few of them:

Visitors spend more time on websites that use videos – Forbes found that users spent an average of 8 seconds longer on sites with videos, compared to those without. More conversions – HubSpot found that businesses that use video grow their revenue 49% more quickly than those that don’t.

Higher return on investment (ROI) – The ROI on video marketing is typically 100 times greater than investing in traditional forms of marketing like print and radio ads.

More website visitors – According to Vidyard, 90% of businesses that use video report an increase in website traffic, with 75% reporting an increase in leads.

Visitors to e-commerce sites spend more on average – Shopper Marketing found that the average order value for e-commerce websites that use video is $67.85, compared to $51.19 for sites without video.

16. Videos Are Consumed Instantly

Visitors don’t have the time or the patience to read through long-form content. They either skim over or ignore the content or they find other things to do while they wait for it to load.

There are many statistics that prove that videos are consumed instantly and here are a few of them: 65% of people watch videos while they are on a computer – HubSpot found that 65% of people consume videos while they’re on a computer, while only 41% consume them on a mobile device.

56% of people prefer watching videos over reading articles – Forbes also found that 56% of people prefer watching videos over reading articles when it comes to consuming content.

30-second rule – Vidyard also found that the average person’s attention span has dropped from 12 seconds in 2000 to 8 seconds in 2014.

17. People Trust Videos More Than Text

This is one of the scariest and most telling statistics about the effectiveness of video marketing: People believe written content 70% of the time, but only trust videos 36% of the time – HubSpot found that people only trusted written content 70% of the time. They trusted videos 36% of the time.

However, videos are believed to be more effective than written content – Forbes also found that people believed videos were more effective than written content. In fact, 79% of people said that video was very effective or effective at communicating a company’s message or brand. Only 43% said the same about writing.

These statistics prove that video marketing is a powerful tool and that you should use it to your advantage to drive more traffic and leads for your business. With these tips and tricks, you can increase the effectiveness of your video marketing.

18. Leverage Influencer Marketing and Co-branding Opportunities

More and more brands are finding ways to integrate with influencers, hoping to gain from their audiences and credibility. You can do this by creating sponsored videos or co-branding campaigns with them. You can also create a video series with a specific influencer where you each produce a video about a specific topic.

You can also reach out to those who have shared your content or those who have commented positively on your posts. Ask them if they’d be interested in creating a video for your business.

19. Create Video Ads for Digital Marketing Channels

Video marketing is all about getting your content in front of as many eyes as possible. You can do this by creating video ads for digital marketing channels such as Facebook, Instagram, and Google.

These video ads can be short-form videos that are designed to grab the viewer’s attention and be quickly consumed. The good news is that video ads are relatively inexpensive compared to other types of online ads. You can also create them yourself instead of hiring an expensive video production team.

Video ads are great for promoting new products or services, capturing leads, and increasing brand awareness. You can use video ads to promote your website, drive traffic to your product pages, or build your email list.

20. Produce Live Streaming Content

Live streaming is one of the most popular ways to consume video content. Live streaming can be particularly useful for B2B businesses that want to reach out to other businesses and generate leads.

Live streaming can be done through a website or through a dedicated app such as Facebook Live, YouTube Live, or Instagram Live. Live streaming can be a great way to promote your brand, engage with your audience, and answer questions from prospective customers.


Video is a powerful tool for marketers. It can help your business stand out from the crowd, cut through the noise and get noticed. To make the most of this opportunity, you need to fully understand the different types of videos you can create and how to promote them to your audience. Once you’ve got this down, you can be sure that video will drive traffic and leads for your business.

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