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- On the page that you have just got to see, you have to click on the red “APPLY NOW” button.
- Right after that, you will get to see the page with an application form – that’s the place where you can apply for your card. First, choose one of the 6 offered designs of a credit card.
- Then, start filling out the application form for this credit card. First, provide your first and last name, address, phone number, and email address.
- Following it, specify your annual income in the provided field.
- Next, choose how you want to get the statements delivered to you.
- Following it, you will be able to add an authorized buyer. If you add one, you will be able to use the card online right away.
- Right after that, provide such information about yourself as your social security number, date of birth, and your mother’s maiden name.
- At the bottom, you will get to see the terms of the credit cards – read them attentively.
- Once you are done, you can check the box near “I agree that I…” and click on the “Accept and Submit” button.
- Right after that, you will get to see another page with a notification, saying whether you have been approved for a card or not. If there is no immediate result, the consideration of your application may take up to 10 days.
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