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How to Make a Group Chat on Snapchat

How to Make a Group Chat on Snapchat
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Remember that Snaps delivered to groups won’t be included in Snapstreaks. Additionally, you can tap on a chat to see who has opened it and read or saved any Snaps sent in that group. When someone opens the chat, their name and Bitmoji will show up above your keyboard.

Like regular Snaps, group chat messages are still deleted after 24 hours unless you choose to save them.

Here are the instructions for setting up a group chat on the Snapchat app for iPhone or Android.

How to Make a Group Chat on Snapchat

It’s easy to make group chats, and you can make as many as you want@!

  1. Open the Snapchat app on your iOS or Android device and sign into your account if necessary.

  2. Navigate to the Friends tab by tapping the speech bubble icon in the bottom left of the screen or by swiping right on the screen.

  3. Tap the speech bubble with the pencil in the top right corner of the Friends tab.

  4. You should see a text cursor blinking in the To: field at the top of the New Chat screen. Start typing the first name or username of a friend you want to add to your group and select it from the list below. Alternatively, scroll down to select the friend manually.

  5. How to Make a Group Chat on Snapchat

    It’s easy to make group chats, and you can make as many as you want@!

    1. Open the Snapchat app on your iOS or Android device and sign into your account if necessary.

    2. Navigate to the Friends tab by tapping the speech bubble icon in the bottom left of the screen or by swiping right on the screen.

    3. Tap the speech bubble with the pencil in the top right corner of the Friends tab.

    4. You should see a text cursor blinking in the To: field at the top of the New Chat screen. Start typing the first name or username of a friend you want to add to your group and select it from the list below. Alternatively, scroll down to select the friend manually.

How to Manage Your Snapchat Group

By pressing the menu icon in the top left corner of the screen, you may manage your Snapchat group from within the group conversation. A list of the group’s friends will be visible, along with other options that let you perform the following:

  • Share your location with the group
  • Edit the group name
  • Turn on the Do Not Disturb setting
  • Auto-save group stories
  • Add more friends to the group
  • Leave the group

Once a group is established, friends cannot be deleted from it. The only way for a member to leave the group is to hit the menu button in the top left and choose Leave Group.

Where to Find Your Group

A Groups tab used to appear on the Friends page of the Snapchat app in earlier versions, but it has since been removed in more current iterations. If you communicate with your group frequently, it will appear in your most recent discussions under the Friends tab, just like the interactions you have with specific friends.

To access the group chat, simply tap the group name in the Friends tab. You can find a group by touching the magnifying glass or search field at the top of any tab and typing in the group name if you haven’t interacted with it recently or if you’ve cleaned your conversations.

How to Use Your Snapchat Group

You can communicate with your Snapchat group in three ways:

The most obvious and fundamental group feature is chat. Just tap the group name to start texting (with the opportunity to send photographs, snaps from Memories, Bitmoji stickers, and more) with other members of the group. After 24 hours, group chats are automatically removed.

Snaps: You can choose a group name from your friends list to send a fresh photo or video snap to everyone in the group when you take one through the camera tab.

Video Chat: From the group chat, you may start a video conversation with up to 15 friends.

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