The other action you should do is to take any remaining funds out of your account. You can accomplish this by transferring the money to a different PayPal account, a bank account, or by asking PayPal to send you a check. Of course, you can also use the remaining funds to make online purchases or give them to a good cause.
You won’t be able to close the account until the PayPal credit amount is paid in full if you have one. The same holds true for any outstanding concerns involving your accounts, such as pending payments or other obligations. Depending on the issue, you might need to get in touch with customer care to remedy this.
How to close and permanently delete a PayPal account
Log in to your PayPal account and click on the gear icon at the top right corner. Go to the Account tab and click on Close your account in the Account options section. You will see a warning pop up. If you’re sure you want to delete your account, click on Close account.
On mobile, click on your profile icon at the top right corner. Scroll down to and tap on Close account. You will see the same warning. Tap on Close account to confirm.