How To Deactivate Facebook Account Temporarily

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How To Deactivate Facebook Account Temporarily: Facebook is a social networking platform that allows users to connect with friends, family, and other people they know. It lets users share photos, videos, and updates, engage with friends through comments, likes, and shares, and use a variety of other features.

Facebook Core Features You Need To Know:

  1. Profile: Each user has a personal profile where they can post photos, updates, and more. It also includes a timeline of the user’s activity.
  2. News Feed: This is the homepage of any user’s Facebook account, where they can see updates and activities from their friends and pages they follow.
  3. Messenger: An integrated messaging platform for private and group chats. Over the years, Messenger has grown into a standalone app with its features, including video calls and payment systems.
  4. Pages and Groups: Users can create pages (for businesses, celebrities, or other entities) and groups (for discussions or communities with shared interests).
  5. Events: Allows users to set up events, invite people, and track RSVPs.
  6. Marketplace: A space for users to buy and sell items within their local community.
  7. Stories: Inspired by Snapchat, Facebook Stories allows users to post photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours.
  8. Watch: A space for video content, from short clips to longer shows.
  9. Dating: A free online dating platform for connecting singles within the facebook app.
  10. Games: A section of the giant social media platform for accessing and playing any game of your choice.

This article is all about How To Deactivate Facebook Account Temporarily. Thus, if you are a facebook user and searching for a tutorial on how to temporarily deactivate your facebook account, this article has gotten you covered.

Continue reading below and please don’t forget to share it with your friends and loved ones so that they will also get to learn about it.

What Happens When You Deactivate Facebook Account Temporarily?

When you temporarily deactivate your Facebook account, several changes take place with regard to the visibility and accessibility of your profile and data. Here’s a breakdown of what happens:

  1. Profile Visibility: Your profile becomes invisible to other users. This means that they won’t be able to find you in search results, view your profile, or see your posts and comments. However, some of the actions you’ve taken, like messages sent to friends, might still be visible.
  2. Data Retention: Facebook retains all of your data. This includes your photos, posts, friends, and other settings. This is what allows you to reactivate your account later and have everything as you left it.
  3. Tags: While people won’t be able to click on your name and visit your profile, your name still appears in your friends’ friends lists and in the comments or posts you’ve made. However, these are not clickable links to your profile.
  4. Messages: If you’ve sent messages to others, those messages will remain in their inboxes, but they wonā€™t be able to click on your profile.
  5. Groups and Pages: If you’re the sole admin of a Facebook group or page, you’ll be asked to transfer the admin rights to someone else or the group/page may be deleted.
  6. Login to Third-Party Apps: If you use your Facebook credentials to log into third-party apps, you might not be able to access these apps after deactivating your account. Some apps might still work, but it depends on how they handle authentication.
  7. Reactivation: Reactivating your account is as simple as logging back in with your original username and password. Once you do this, your profile and all associated data will be restored. However, it might take a few hours for everything to appear as it was before.
  8. Notifications: You will no longer receive any notifications via email, text, or any other method you’ve previously set up.
  9. Duration: A temporary deactivation has no set time limit. You can leave your account deactivated for as long as you wish. But remember, if you want to permanently delete it, you have to follow a different process.
  10. Friends: Your friends wonā€™t get a notification when you deactivate your account. However, if they try to search for you, they wonā€™t find you. Upon reactivation, all of your friends and connections will remain intact.
  11. Profile Protection: Deactivation does not act as a tool to protect or backup your profile. It’s primarily meant for times when you want to take a break from the platform without losing your data.
  12. You Can’t Access Oculus products: You will not be able to use your Facebook account to access Oculus products or your Oculus information when you deactivate your facebook account.

If you are concerned about your privacy or the security of your data on Facebook, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the platform’s privacy settings and tools. This way, you can tailor your experience and exposure based on your comfort level.

What Happens When You Delete Your Facebook Account Permanently?

Deleting your Facebook account permanently is a significant step, and it has several implications. Here’s a breakdown of what happens when you choose to permanently delete your Facebook account:

  1. Account Deletion Delay: After initiating the process to delete your account, there’s a grace period (typically up to 30 days) during which you can cancel the deletion request. If you log in during this period, the deletion request will be canceled.
  2. Data Removal: Once your account is permanently deleted after the grace period, it will no longer be accessible. This means other users can’t see your profile, posts, or photos. However, it might take up to 90 days for Facebook to remove all the things you’ve posted, like your photos and status updates, from its systems.
  3. Backup: Before initiating deletion, you have the option to download a copy of your Facebook data, which includes your posts, photos, messages, and more.
  4. Messages: Messages you’ve sent to friends will remain in their inboxes even after your account is deleted. However, your name will appear as plain text since it won’t link to your (now-deleted) profile.
  5. Non-retrievable: Once the account is deleted, you can’t retrieve any of the content or information you’ve added to Facebook. The deletion is permanent.
  6. Third-Party Apps and Websites: If you’ve used your Facebook account to log in to third-party apps or websites, you might lose access to these sites. It’s a good idea to ensure you’ve set alternative login methods for these services before deleting your Facebook account.
  7. Groups and Pages: If you’re the admin of any Facebook groups or pages, they may be deleted unless you appoint another admin before deleting your account.
  8. Integrated Services: If you’ve integrated Facebook with other services, for instance, using it as a login for other platforms or apps, you might face disruptions in accessing those services.
  9. Facebook-Related Services: Deleting your Facebook account does not delete your Messenger account. If you want to delete both, you need to go through separate processes. Also, note that Facebook owns several other services like Instagram and WhatsApp. Deleting your Facebook account will not delete your profiles on these platforms.
  10. No Automatic Deactivation: Deleting your account is different from deactivating it. If you choose to delete, you’re opting for a permanent action. If you only want a temporary break, you should consider deactivation instead.
  11. Logs: While your visible data is deleted, Facebook may still retain logs of certain user activity for their internal processes, like ensuring account security and preventing fraudulent activity.

Before taking the step to delete your Facebook account, it’s essential to understand the implications fully.

Ensure that you’ve backed up any critical data and made necessary changes to any third-party integrations or services linked with your Facebook account.

Reasons Why You May Need To Deactivate Your Facebook Account

There are numerous reasons why someone might choose to deactivate their Facebook account, either temporarily or permanently. Some of the most common reasons include:

  1. Privacy Concerns: With frequent updates and changes to its privacy policies and settings, many users worry about the security of their personal data on Facebook. Deactivating or deleting an account can provide a sense of security from potential data breaches or misuse.
  2. Mental Health and Well-being: Studies have shown that excessive use of social media can negatively impact mental health, leading to issues like anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Some people choose to deactivate their account to take a break and improve their mental well-being.
  3. Productivity: Facebook can be a major distraction, especially when one needs to focus on work, studies, or other important tasks. Deactivating the account can help in reducing procrastination and improving productivity.
  4. Cyberbullying: Unfortunately, social media platforms, including Facebook, can sometimes be breeding grounds for cyberbullying. Individuals who experience harassment or bullying might opt to deactivate their account to escape the negative environment.
  5. Life Transitions: During significant life changes, such as a break-up, personal loss, or a new job, individuals might deactivate their account to avoid unnecessary attention or to have a fresh start.
  6. Digital Detox: Some people feel the need to disconnect from the digital world entirely for a while. This “digital detox” helps them reconnect with the physical world, refresh, and then come back with a healthier perspective.
  7. Concerns about Time Spent: Realizing the amount of time wasted scrolling through the Facebook feed can be alarming for some. Deactivation can serve as a way to reclaim that time and spend it on more meaningful activities.
  8. Avoiding Drama: Facebook can sometimes be a source of drama, gossip, and disputes among friends or family. Stepping away can help in avoiding getting embroiled in unnecessary conflicts.
  9. Profile Cleanup: Some users deactivate their account with the intention of returning later, but want to use the time off to clean up old posts, photos, and friends lists without the profile being live.
  10. Preventing Impulse Posts: During emotionally charged moments, people might post content they later regret. Deactivating the account can be a preemptive measure to prevent such impulse actions.
  11. Platform Fatigue: With the constant influx of information, news, updates, and notifications, some users might experience ‘platform fatigue’ and choose to deactivate as a way to reset.
  12. Exploring Other Platforms: Some users deactivate their Facebook account to explore and spend more time on other social media platforms that they find more appealing or relevant.

It’s worth noting that while deactivation is temporary and can be easily reversed, deleting an account is permanent.

Before taking any steps, it’s essential to consider the implications and choose the option that aligns best with your reasons and intentions.

Should You Deactivate Your Facebook Account Temporarily Or Permanently?

The decision to deactivate or delete hinges on your personal needs and how you perceive the platform’s role in your life.

It might help to discuss your feelings and concerns with trusted friends or family members, or even take a short break (deactivate) to gauge how you feel without Facebook before deciding on permanent deletion.

Bear in mind that Facebook account deactivation is reversible whereas deletion isn’t. Once you delete your account, you can’t get it back, and all your data on Facebook is gone.

Thus, it is important to backup before deletion and always consider downloading a backup of your data from facebook.

Anther thing that is worthy of note is that some third-party services use Facebook for login. You will need to make sure you have alternative login methods set up for these services.

10 Things To Know Before Deactivating Your Facebook Account

If you’re considering deactivating your Facebook account, it’s essential to understand what this means and the consequences of your decision. Here are 10 things to know before you proceed:

  1. Difference Between Deactivation and Deletion: Deactivating your account provides a temporary break, rendering your profile invisible and inaccessible. However, you can return at any time by logging back in. Deletion, on the other hand, is permanent and removes all your data from Facebook.
  2. Data Preservation: During deactivation, Facebook retains all your data. This means that when you reactivate, everything (like friends, posts, photos) will be exactly as you left it.
  3. Messaging: Even after deactivation, you can continue using Facebook Messenger. Your chat history remains intact, and you can still message friends. However, your profile will not be clickable within Messenger, appearing as plain text.
  4. Tags and Mentions: While your profile becomes invisible during deactivation, your name may still appear in friends’ friend lists or in previous posts, comments, or mentions. However, these will be unclickable links that lead to a blank page.
  5. Search Engines: Some information might still be available on search engines like Google. While Facebook sends these engines a request to not index your profile, previously cached data might still show up for some time.
  6. Third-party Logins: If you’ve used Facebook to log into third-party apps or websites (like Spotify or Pinterest), you might face difficulties accessing those services after deactivation. Before proceeding, consider setting up alternative login methods for these apps or sites.
  7. Groups and Pages: If you’re the only admin for a Facebook group or page, it will become admin-less upon deactivation. It’s a good practice to assign another admin if you wish for the group or page to remain active.
  8. Data Download: Before deactivating, you have the option to download a copy of your Facebook data, which can be useful if you want a personal backup or if you’re considering a permanent deletion in the future.
  9. Reactivate When Ready: Reactivating your account is simple. You just need to log in with your email and password, and everything will be restored instantly.
  10. Privacy Settings: If your main reason for deactivation revolves around privacy concerns, you might first want to explore Facebook’s privacy settings and tools. You can adjust who sees your posts, which apps have access to your data, and who can look you up, among other things.

Before making a decision, take a moment to evaluate your reasons for wanting to step back from Facebook.

Whether it’s for mental health, privacy concerns, or other personal reasons, it’s important to choose the approach (deactivation vs. deletion) that best suits your needs.

How To Deactivate Facebook Account Temporarily

The processes involved in deactivating facebook account is pretty simple and easy. All you need to do is to have access to your facebook account. Here are the steps you need to follow to easily get that done:

First off, you will need to login your facebook account. Yes, open your device and get it connected to an internet source.

Next, open your preferred browser and type and hit on the enter button and you will be taken to the facebook login page.

Now, you will need to enter either your phone number of email address in the space provided and then enter your password and click login and you will be taken to your facebook profile account.

How To Deactivate Facebook Account Temporarily

Once you are done with the above steps, you will be taken to your facebook account. You will need to locate and click on your profile picture at the top right corner of the facebook page.

How To Deactivate Facebook Account Temporarily


Next, you will need to click on the settings & privacy option in the above screen.

Afterward, click settings on the next screen to proceed.

How To Deactivate Facebook Account Temporarily

Now, you will need to locate and click on the personal details option at the left column of the settings page.

How To Deactivate Facebook Account Temporarily

On the next page, you will need to locate and click on personal details again. The button is located at the left column of the page.

How To Deactivate Facebook Account Temporarily

Next, you will need to locate and click on the Account ownership and control option. Under this section, you would be able to manage your data, modify your legacy contact, be able to deactivate or delete your accounts and profiles.

How To Deactivate Facebook Account Temporarily

Once you are done with the above steps, locate and click deactivation or deletion option. Interestingly, this option will lead you to the section where you can temporarily deactivate or permanently delete your facebook accounts and profiles.

How To Deactivate Facebook Account Temporarily

Afterward, you will need to click on your profile to continue.

How To Deactivate Facebook Account Temporarily

Now, you will need to choose deactivate account. Bear in mind that deactivating your facebook account is temporary.

Doing that will cause your facebook account and main profile to be deactivated and your name and photos will ne removed from most things you have shared on the platform.

However, you would be able to continue using your facebook messenger to interact with your friends and loved ones.

Yes, when your Facebook account is deactivated and you still have Messenger, you can still chat with friends on Facebook Messenger. Your Facebook profile picture will still be visible in your conversations on Facebook Messenger and other people can search for you to send you a message.

How To Deactivate Facebook Account Temporarily

Now, click Continue at the bottom right of the page.

On the next page, you will be required to enter your facebook password. Enter the password and then click deactivate and your facebook account will be deactivated immediately.

How To Deactivate your Facebook account On Android And iPhone Devices

If you areĀ  using android or iPhone device to access facebook app, here are the steps you will need to follow to easily deactivate your facebook profile account.

  1. First off, you will need to turn on your device and turn on your internet
  2. Next, head over to your menu section and then locate and tap on the facebook app
  3. Now, you will need to enter your email address or phone number as well as your password in the spaces provided and tap on the sign in button and you will be taken to your profile account.
  4. Once you are done with the above steps, you will need to locate and tap on the hamburger button which is located either at the top right corner or bottom right of the facebook app.
  5. Afterward, you will need to locate and tap settings & privacy from the dropdown menu
  6. Next, tap settings to proceed
  7. Now, locate and tap on the personal details at the left column of the page.
  8. You will need to tap personal details again under the account settings section
  9. Afterward, you will need to locate and tap account ownership and control to proceed
  10. On the next page or screen, tap deactivation or deletion.
  11. Choose the profile you want to deactivate.
  12. Next, tap on deactivate account
  13. Tap continue to proceed to the next stage
  14. Now, you will need to enter your password in the space provided and click continue and thereafter confirm your deactivation process.

Those are the steps you need to follow to easily deactivate your facebook account without stress.

How To Reactivate A Deactivated Facebook Account

If you have successfully deactivated your facebook account and want to reactivate it, all you need to do is to head over to the facebook homepage and enter your email address or phone number in the spaces provided.

Afterward, enter your password and click on the login button and you will be taken to your facebook account. It is that simple and easy to reactivate a deactivated facebook account.

Why Can’t I Deactivate My Facebook

If you’re having trouble deactivating your Facebook account, there could be several reasons or issues causing the problem. Here are some common reasons and potential solutions:

  1. Technical Issues: Sometimes, server issues or browser problems can prevent you from making changes to your account.
    • Solution: Try clearing your browser cache and cookies or using a different browser. Alternatively, you can try deactivating from another device.
  2. Account Compromise: If someone else has gained unauthorized access to your account, they might have changed settings to prevent deactivation.
    • Solution: First, secure your account by changing your password and reviewing your account’s activity. Then try to deactivate again.
  3. Third-Party Apps: Some third-party apps or platforms that use Facebook for authentication might cause issues.
    • Solution: Disconnect these apps from your Facebook account and then try deactivating.
  4. Admin Roles: If you’re the sole admin of any Facebook Pages or groups, Facebook might require you to transfer these roles before allowing deactivation.
    • Solution: Assign another user as the admin for these Pages or groups or delete them if they’re no longer needed.
  5. Facebook Policies: In rare cases, if Facebook believes your account has been involved in violating their terms of service, they might restrict certain functionalities.
    • Solution: Reach out to Facebook’s support for clarification and potential resolutions.
  6. Pending Payments or Ad Campaigns: If you have any active ads or pending payments in Facebook Ads Manager, you might face issues deactivating.
    • Solution: Settle any outstanding bills or end active campaigns before trying to deactivate.
  7. Multiple Accounts: If you have more than one Facebook account, ensure you’re logged into the correct account you wish to deactivate.
  8. User Interface Changes: Facebook occasionally updates its user interface, which might lead to confusion when navigating settings.
    • Solution: Double-check the deactivation steps using Facebook’s Help Center or other updated guides.
  9. Server Overload: Rarely, high server traffic might prevent account changes.
    • Solution: Wait for a while and then try again.
  10. Report the Issue to Facebook: If you’ve tried all relevant solutions and still can’t deactivate your account, it could be a glitch on Facebook’s end.
  • Solution: Report the issue through the Help Center or feedback option.

How do I get my Facebook account back if it was disabled by mistake?

Having your Facebook account disabled can be frustrating, especially if you believe it was done in error. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to attempt to recover your disabled Facebook account:

  1. Determine the Type of Disablement:
    • Temporary Disablement: If your account has been temporarily disabled, you’ll usually see a message indicating this when you try to log in. Temporary disablements often result from minor violations or suspicious activity and are easier to recover from.
    • Permanent Disablement: If Facebook states that your account has been permanently disabled, then the chances of getting it back are slimmer. Facebook typically reserves permanent disablements for repeated or severe violations of its terms and policies.
  2. Visit the Appeal Form:
    • If you believe your account was disabled by mistake, you can appeal Facebook’s decision by filling out a form. You can find the “My Facebook account was disabled” form by searching for it online or visiting Facebook’s Help Center.
  3. Fill Out the Appeal Form:
    • Enter the email address or phone number associated with your disabled account.
    • Provide your full name as it appears on the account.
    • You’ll usually need to upload a scanned copy of a government-issued ID (e.g., passport, driver’s license) to confirm your identity.
    • There may be a section to provide additional information. Here, you can explain the situation, stating why you believe the disablement was a mistake. Be concise, respectful, and clear in your explanation.
  4. Wait for a Response:
    • After submitting the form, you’ll need to wait for Facebook to review your appeal. This process can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks, depending on the volume of requests Facebook is handling.
    • If your appeal is successful, Facebook will reactivate your account, and you should be able to log in as usual.
    • If Facebook denies your appeal, they’ll let you know through email. If this happens, your chances of recovering the account become much lower.
  5. Additional Steps:
    • If the appeal is unsuccessful or you don’t hear back after several weeks, you might consider reaching out to Facebook support again or seeking assistance through community forums or Facebook’s official help communities.
  6. Preventative Measures for the Future:
    • Once you regain access to your account (or even if you decide to create a new one), ensure you familiarize yourself with Facebook’s Community Standards and terms of service to prevent future disablements.
    • Set up two-factor authentication for added security.
    • Regularly review and update the apps and websites connected to your Facebook account.

Remember that while the appeal process does offer a chance to recover a disabled account, there’s no guarantee of success. The decision ultimately rests with Facebook’s review team. If your account was involved in severe or repeated violations, it might be challenging to get it reinstated.

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