You may be able to reach a bigger audience by listing and selling your things on eBay as opposed to doing so locally just. Advertising your products to your followers after you’ve posted an item on eBay will aid in generating interest in your goods. A free way to reach your followers, as well as their friends, is to post about your items on your company’s Facebook page.
.Log in to to create a Facebook page to highlight your business.
Fill out the appropriate information about your business, including your type of business, address, and phone number. Select the box to agree to the Facebook Pages terms and conditions and click the “Get Started” button to create your Facebook business page.
Visit while logged in to your business page and select “Like” to add the eBay business page to your news feed.
Log on to eBay and click the “My eBay” link. Select the “All Selling” link to view all of your available auctions.
Click on one of your current auctions and highlight the auction’s URL in the address bar of your Web browser. Right-click the URL and select “Copy.”
Log in to Facebook and open your business page. Create a new post discussing your product. Right-click within the post and select “Paste” to include a link to your auction that will be viewable by all of your friends and business page followers.