How To Know Someone Blocked You On WhatsApp

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How to Tell if Someone Blocked You on WhatsApp

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging services in the world. With friends and contacts throughout the world, you can use Wi-Fi to exchange messages and hold group conversations. Instead of utilizing your mobile data, WhatsApp utilizes your wireless internet connection.

So long as there is Wi-Fi wherever you travel, you can use WhatsApp to text everyone and keep in touch. It comes in quite helpful for those who only want the essential features of an instant messenger. While maintaining the closest possible resemblance to a standard SMS, it allows you the flexibility of Wi-Fi texting.

Some users could discover that after trying to message one of their contacts, they are no longer responding. There are a few reasons why someone on WhatsApp might not be responding: they could be occupied, have deleted the app, or have completely erased their WhatsApp account. Nevertheless, it’s also conceivable that you were blocked.

You can tell whether someone has blocked you on WhatsApp by looking at a few clues. We’ll examine every scenario in this post to determine if that is what has happened to you.

How WhatsApp Blocking Works

Users can block contacts in the application’s Settings if they no longer want to communicate with them.
  1. By opening the app and clicking on the menu (3 vertical dots) on the right-hand side of the app, tap on Settings.
  2. From there, scroll down to Account and tap on Privacy.
  3. Within the Privacy settings menu, you can click on Blocked Contact.
  4. Looking at the top right-hand side of this, you’ll see a person icon with a plus sign next to it. When you’ve tapped on this, you can add anyone from your list of contacts.

A user will no longer see a culmination of changes that are consistent with being blocked if they have been blocked.

How to Know if You’ve Been Blocked on WhatsApp

There are a few signs that you have been blocked even though WhatsApp won’t let you know. When someone chooses not to connect with you on the app, other app features will be a little bit different in addition to understanding some disagreement during your final conversation.

‘Last Seen’ is Missing

There are a number of signs that you have been blocked on WhatsApp. They might have blocked you if you look at the contact and it doesn’t display their “last seen” or “online status” information.

This might also come into play if you or the subject of the inquiry changed their privacy settings. When you click on your own Last Seen privacy settings, it can change what you can see.

The likelihood that you’ve been blocked is fairly high if you’ve checked your privacy settings and they can be viewed by others, and the contact in question had visible settings the last time you chatted with them.

No Profile Updates

The absence of their profile photo and contact details is another sign that a WhatsApp contact has blocked you. Their online status and stories will no longer be visible through the app.

These signs indicate that the individual has either blocked you or deleted their WhatsApp account. If you believe it to be the latter, you may always ask a buddy to use their WhatsApp account to look up the account. You’ve been blocked if the profile appears.

It’s also vital to point out that some people don’t change their profile photographs or their activity. Sending a message is possible if the profile is viewable. You can tell if you can communicate with someone by the checkmark you see after sending a message.

Checkmarks and Their Meanings

Have you sent someone messages and only seen one checkmark appear next to it? It indicates that your message was sent, but the recipient did not receive it and read it. All checkmark icons will inform you of this.

  • One grayed check mark means your message has gone through the sending process but hasn’t been delivered yet.
  • Two gray checkmarks mean your message was sent and delivered to your contact.
  • Two blue checkmarks mean that the message has been sent, received, and viewed.

You may be on the recipient’s block list if you see only one gray checkmark next to the messages you’ve sent. This indicates that even though you are sending that individual a message, for some reason it is not getting to their phone.

It’s better to wait a while and check to see if the checkmark changes because this can occur due to a weak Wi-Fi or cellular data service.

Are You There?

Making phone calls is another service that WhatsApp provides. With the exception of using Wi-Fi rather than cellular reception, it functions exactly like ordinary phone conversations. Making phone calls on WhatsApp is absolutely free, just like using the rest of the service.

As a result, when you call one of your contacts, the phone should ring and be answered in the same way that it would for any other call. The phone will temporarily ring if you are blocked, but it will then instantly disconnect. When you call someone whose phone is off and are immediately connected to voicemail, this is comparable.

Another reliable sign that someone has blocked you on WhatsApp is if you’ve attempted calling a contact several times during the day or week. Call another one of your WhatsApp contacts for added assurance.

Adding the Contact to a Group

You cannot communicate with someone who has blocked you since a message indicating Can’t Add Participant or Failed to Add will show up. If you see this message, it signifies that you can no longer contact this person. They either blocked you or deleted their account, whatever came first.

You have most likely been blocked if you cannot add a contact to a group message and cannot see their profile information or current online status. Asking another user to look up their contact is the greatest approach to make sure they haven’t deactivated their account.


Given the large user base of WhatsApp, it may be difficult to detect if someone has blocked you. As you can see, there are a lot of ways to tell if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp. Just be aware of what they are.
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