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History Studies

Scribes: Definition, History & Origins of Scribal

Since ancient times, scribes have been people dedicated to being copyists, cultured characters who wrote and controlled laws, tax matters, architecture, and calculations. The Latin term "scriba" and the Hebrew "so-fer" convey the idea of ​​a secretary, copyist or scribe, and also of an intellectually educated person. The work of the scribes was considered very broad and important, and they were seen as teachers.

Merits & Demerits Of 1979 Constitution | 2nd Republic

The 1979 constitution "2nd republican constitutions" of the federal republic of Nigeria had the following advantages and disadvantages.

History of Feudalism in Europe

Feudalism was the socioeconomic system that prevailed in the Middle Ages, but even survived in some regions of Europe in the Modern Age. The feudalism was a set of practical issues involving economic, social and political. Between the 5th and 10th centuries, Western Europe underwent a series of transformations that enabled the emergence of these new ways of thinking, acting and relating.

Features of Imperialism | Causes and Consequences

Imperialism - Process that took place between 1875 and 1914 and was characterized by the great development of industrial capitalism and the colonial expansion of the great powers of Europe over Africa, Asia and the Pacific islands.
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