

Fair Value – Definition, Features & Calculations

The fair value is for which a financial asset can be bought or a financial liability settled on a specific date between two parties (buyer and seller) who are independent from each other and are experts in the field and who know how to act freely and prudently under conditions. market.

Future Value (FV) – Definition, Concept & Calculation

The future value (FV) is the value that a certain amount of money that we currently hold or that we decide to invest in a certain project will have in the future. The future value (FV) allows us to calculate how the value of the money that we currently have (today) will change considering the different investment alternatives that we have available. In order to calculate the FV we need to know the value of our money at the current moment and the interest rate that will be applied in the coming periods.

Value at Risk (VAR) – Definition, Importance, Merits & Demerits

Value at risk is a statistical technique to measure the financial risk of an investment. Indicates the probability (usually 1% or 5%) of suffering a certain loss during a period of time (usually 1 day, 1 week or 1 month).

Euro Zone (Euro Area) Definition, Features, Countries

The euro area is a monetary union. In order to have a monetary union, there must be a situation in which at least two countries share the same official currency. In the euro area, this requirement is met. In other words, more than two countries have the euro as their official currency. Specifically, there are 19 states.

Zollverein – Meaning, History, Advantages, German Economy

Created in 1834, Zollverein was an economic organization by German termed as a customs union under Prussian leadership. Numerous German states joined forces to create a free trade zone and establish customs tariffs against third countries.

Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA)

The Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) is a collective association created in Europe that allows companies, individuals and public bodies to make payments in euros without using cash. These payments can be made using a single bank account for payment transactions in different part of Europe within the SEPA zone.
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