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Facebook Username

Facebook Username
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How to change your Facebook username, and help others better identify your profile or page

In contrast to the name that appears on your Facebook profile, your display name, or Facebook username, functions invisibly in the background. Facebook usernames are used to assist users to locate the individuals or pages they’re looking for among the billions of Facebook profiles and pages that make up this vast social media platform.

When you generate a link with your Facebook username, you may give it to anyone and they will be able to find your profile or page right away. Facebook usernames assist to get through the noise of so many different names.

Consider it this way: locating your new friend John Smith’s Facebook account is like finding a needle in a haystack in a field full of haystacks. It will be a little easier to locate John.Facebook Smith.314159’s profile. Especially if you get a link to www.facebook.com/john.smith.314159 from John.

When you create a Facebook account, it provides you a username that is most likely uninspired, consisting of your name and a series of numbers.

If you wish to change your Facebook username or the username of a Facebook page you manage, be careful: after you change your current username, you won’t be able to go back to a previous one because each unique username can only be used once.

1. Log into your Facebook account on a desktop computer and click the dark blue triangle at the top-right of the page.

2. Click the word “Settings” from the dropdown menu.

3. On the next page, on the row that reads “Username” and displays your current username, click “Edit.”

4. Enter your new desired username (if it’s unavailable, a red X will appear along with a message saying “Username is not available”).

5. Click “Save Changes” once you have your desired, available username.

1. Click the “About” section on the left side of your page.

2. Select the “Edit” option next to the section for your page’s username.

3. Type in your desired username, and if it’s available, click “Create a username.”

Your new usernames have been assigned, and any previous usernames you used are now inaccessible to everyone, including yourself.

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