Amazon Marketing: How to Take Advantage of the Powerful E-Commerce Site

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When it comes to selling products online, there are a lot of options available. There are several different sites, each with its own pros and cons. However, one of the most popular sites out there right now is Amazon. It’s the third largest website in the world and has a user base that spans almost every country on Earth.

This makes it an excellent opportunity for e-commerce businesses to sell their products, no matter where their target customer base lives. However, many people shy away from using Amazon as a sales channel because they think it’s too competitive or there aren’t enough potential customers to make it worth their while.

But this couldn’t be further from the truth! In fact, as of Q1 2018, Amazon fulfillment services have more than 575 million active users!

See: The Complete Guide on How to Sell and Buy Stuff on Facebook Marketplace

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