Cracking the Instagram Algorithm: The Insider’s Guide to Finding the Best Time to Post on Instagram

As a social media influencer, I know how important it is to understand the Instagram algorithm. It can be a game-changer when it comes to growing your following and increasing engagement on your posts.

In this article, I’ll share my insider knowledge on how to find the best time to post on Instagram and how to crack the Instagram algorithm to get the most out of your posts.

Understanding the Instagram Algorithm

Before we dive into finding the best time to post on Instagram, it’s essential to understand how the Instagram algorithm works. The algorithm is constantly changing, but its primary goal is to show users the most relevant and engaging content.

The algorithm considers several factors when determining what content to show, including the user’s past behavior, the content’s popularity, and the timeliness of the post.

How the Instagram Algorithm Works

The Instagram algorithm works by using machine learning to analyze user behavior, such as what content they engage with and how long they spend on the app.

Based on this information, the algorithm creates a unique feed for each user, showing them the content they’re most likely to engage with.

Is There a Bad Time of Day to Post on Instagram?

There isn’t necessarily a “bad” time of day to post on Instagram, but there are certainly times when your posts are less likely to be seen by your followers.

Typically, the worst times to post on Instagram are during the workday, when people are less likely to be scrolling through their feeds. However, this can vary depending on your target audience and their daily routines.

Instagram’s Algorithm Changes in 2023

Instagram’s algorithm changes frequently, and it’s essential to stay up-to-date on the latest updates.

In 2023, Instagram plans to change its algorithm to focus more on video content. This means that video posts will likely receive more visibility than static image posts.

Tips for Cracking the Instagram Algorithm

To crack the Instagram algorithm, you need to focus on creating high-quality content that engages your followers. Here are some tips to help you succeed:

  • Post consistently
  • Use relevant hashtags
  • Engage with your followers by responding to comments and direct messages
  • Post content that encourages engagement, such as polls and questions
  • Analyze your post performance to see what works and what doesn’t

Finding the Best Time to Post on Instagram

Now that you understand the Instagram algorithm and how it works, it’s time to find the best time to post on Instagram.

The ideal posting time can vary depending on your target audience and their daily routines. However, there are some general rules of thumb to follow.

According to Shopify, the best times to post on Instagram are:

  • Monday: 5 a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m.
  • Tuesday: 9 a.m., 1 p.m., 2 p.m.
  • Wednesday: 5 a.m., 9 a.m., 11 a.m.
  • Thursday: 5 a.m. to 6 a.m., 11a. m. to 1 p.m.
  • Friday: 7 a.m., 11 a.m., 2 p.m.
  • Saturday: 9 a.m.
  • Sunday: 1 a.m., 7 a.m., 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

The Importance of Timing in Instagram Posts

Timing is everything when it comes to Instagram posts. Posting at the right time can mean the difference between your post being seen by hundreds or thousands of people. That’s why it’s essential to understand your audience and their daily routines.

Instagram Reels Algorithm and its Impact on Timing

Instagram Reels is a relatively new feature, and its algorithm is still evolving. However, it’s clear that Instagram is placing a significant emphasis on Reels content.

If you want to maximize your visibility on the platform, it’s essential to create engaging Reels content and post it at the right time.

Instagram Story Algorithm and its Impact on Timing

Instagram Stories are a popular way to engage with your followers and share behind-the-scenes content. However, to get the most out of your Stories, you need to post them at the right time.

The Instagram Story algorithm considers several factors, including engagement and timeliness.

The Role of Hashtags in Instagram Algorithm

Hashtags are a vital part of the Instagram algorithm. They help your posts get discovered by users who aren’t following you yet. To maximize your visibility, it’s essential to use relevant hashtags and avoid using banned or spammy hashtags.

Is Monday a Bad Time to Post on Instagram?

Monday can be a difficult day to post on Instagram since many people are starting their workweek. However, this can vary depending on your target audience.

If your audience is primarily college students or people who work in the service industry, Monday might be an excellent day to post.

When is the Best Day to Post on Instagram?

The best day to post on Instagram can vary depending on your target audience. However, in general, weekdays tend to perform better than weekends.

Wednesday and Thursday are typically the best days to post, but this can vary depending on your audience.

What Time of Day is the Best Time to Post on Instagram?

The best time to post on Instagram can vary depending on your target audience. However, in general, the best times to post are during off-work hours, such as early morning, lunchtime, and after work. These are the times when people are most likely to be scrolling through their feeds.

Does Posting Time Matter on Instagram?

Yes, posting time matters on Instagram. Posting at the right time can significantly impact your post’s visibility and engagement. That’s why it’s essential to find the best time to post based on your target audience’s daily routines.

What Time is Instagram Most Active?

Instagram is most active during off-work hours, such as early morning, lunchtime, and after work. These are the times when people are most likely to be scrolling through their feeds.

How to Get More Likes on Instagram?

To get more likes on Instagram, you need to create engaging content that resonates with your target audience. Additionally, you should post consistently, use relevant hashtags, and engage with your followers by responding to comments and direct messages.

Is it Better to Post on Instagram at Night or in the Morning?

The best time to post on Instagram can vary depending on your target audience. However, in general, early morning and after work tend to be the best times to post. Posting at night can still be effective, but it’s essential to consider your audience’s daily routines.

What Time is Too Late to Post on Instagram?

There isn’t necessarily a “too late” time to post on Instagram. However, posting during the late night or early morning hours can significantly impact your post’s visibility and engagement.

Why are My Instagram Posts Getting Less Likes?

There could be several reasons why your Instagram posts are getting fewer likes, including:

  • Posting at the wrong time
  • Using irrelevant hashtags
  • Posting low-quality content
  • Failing to engage with your followers

To get more likes on your posts, it’s essential to focus on creating high-quality content and engaging with your followers consistently.


In conclusion, cracking the Instagram algorithm and finding the best time to post on Instagram can significantly impact your visibility and engagement on the platform.

By understanding the algorithm and your target audience’s daily routines, you can create a winning content strategy that drives results.

Remember to post consistently, use relevant hashtags, engage with your followers, and analyze your post performance to see what works and what doesn’t. With these tips, you’ll be on your way to Instagram success in no time.

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